Sunday, October 31, 2010

17 Weeks and Happy Halloween!

Well, my costume wasn't what I would have liked for this year, but it was still fun.  Chris looked just as sleazy as last year, maybe more, and we had fun at a party last night.  Here are this week's highlights:

Size of baby: onion (that doesn't sound cute at all.... I'm at least calling it a sweet red onion)
Maternity clothes: Still just in a mix of maternity clothes, leggings, and long tunic sweaters... I don't know if I will ever want anything but maternity jeans, aka the most comfortable jeans EVER
Movement: I've felt some questionable pops here and there, but nothing major.  Still will be a while before major movement
Food cravings: I'm really into grapes this week
What I miss: working out as hard as I used to.... it feels strange when a moderate 30-45 minutes on the elliptical leaves me needing a 1-2 hour nap.  And I monitor my heart rate pretty closely when I'm working out, and I can't believe how quickly it rises now
Sleep: still sleeping really well
Symptoms: other than the usual hormones, pretty symptom-free week - no complaints here
Best moment this week: FINALLY hearing Olive's heartbeat on Friday!  Such a relief!
What I am looking forward to: so many things.... the anatomy scan, the cruise, Christmas....

This week went by so quickly.  All I could think about was getting to Friday, which was our monthly appointment, and the one when we SHOULD be able to hear a heartbeat with the doppler.  On the way to the appointment, the doctor's office called me to say that my OB had to leave to deliver a baby, and could we reschedule for Monday..... uh, NO!  They told me I could still see the nurse, but I spent the last 30 minutes of  the trip being upset, wondering if an attempt at hearing the heartbeat would even be made.  Chris was trying to cheer me up, and I was having none of it.  I had felt so at ease with the day, and now it seemed like there might be a hitch.  I am a creature of habit, disliking changes to routine, but especially get upset now when plans around our unborn baby are changed.  Luckily when we got in, the nurse tried and that whoosh, whoosh, whoosh popped up right away, and she showed me the digital display of the beats per minute - a perfect 143 average!  I was so relieved!  There is a little heartbeat in my belly!  I actually can't believe I didn't just start crying, because that's all I wanted to do as we headed in.  I told Chris that I wish that men could be pregnant, even just for a day, so that they could understand what its like to know that this little life is growing in you, and how hard it is not to be consumed by thoughts of this little boy or girl at all times of the day.

Otherwise, our appointment was the usual - pee in a cup, check my weight.... which I did not look at.  They always check your weight right before your blood pressure.  Last time by blood pressure was 132 after seeing my weight gain!  I told the nurse I didn't want to look, and this time my blood pressure was a very good 102!  What a difference.  According to the gym scale, I'm only up about 1 or 2 pounds from my 12-week appointment, so I can handle that.  And at this point, given that I get to the gym for about an hour 4-5 days a week, and I'm eating pretty well, I'm *trying* not to let the weight gain get to me too much.  I know more is coming.

Yesterday was the annual Halloween party that our friends throw, and we were excited.  Chris had gotten his Vanilla Ice costume not long ago, and while I was less than thrilled with covering up so much compared to last year, it was still fun getting dressed up, though the way my costume sat, it made me look a good few more months along.  I suppose it worked out though because before we left for the party, it was snowing.... SNOWING!!!!  I hadn't even seen it, but Chris told me not to look outside, which definitely told me the snow was coming down.  AND IT'S STILL ON THE GROUND.  Really, Canada?  You couldn't even let us make it to December like last year??  You had to bring the snow in OCTOBER?  Thanks.  Oh well.... I'll admit that the first snow does look pretty, but it just reminds me of the bitter cold that is coming.

Anyway, off the snow rant.... when we got to the party, one of the Canadians was wearing the same costume as Chris!  We couldn't believe it, but at least Chris had the sense to wear an actual shirt with his, and not the MESH shirt that the other guy wore.... oy.  The best costume was definitely our friend Kevin (the host), who was dressed as a school girl, complete with skirt, stockings, heels, pigtails, and all..... definitely the most disturbing "school girl" anyone has ever seen!  Chris won a bottle of rum and a rather inappropriate novelty lollipop for his costume, but gave both away as 1) not a lot of alcohol is consumed in our house these days and 2) he was having nothing to do with that lollipop.  I have no problem admitting that the party was definitely less entertaining for me this year without a drop of alcohol, but it showed me just how ridiculous some of the people we see there can be, so that part was entertaining.  Plus I woke up feeling great this morning! ..... unlike last year, haha.  I just hung out where any pregnant lady would hang out - by the food!

This week will probably be pretty uneventful.  And then it will be time for the anatomy scan, and then the cruise!  I can't wait to see our little baby again!  When we were grocery shopping on Friday, I picked up an avocado and an onion and held them next to my belly and said to Chris, this is what Olive was (avocado) and on Sunday, this is what s/he will be (onion).  Such a far cry from apple seed size when we found out.  It is amazing, and nothing short of miraculous.  I still can barely fathom how this happens (you know, aside from the whole "how babies are made" explanation), how God sees fit to give us the most wonderful miracle of our lives..... though I feel like He must watch me and many times want to grab me by the shoulders, give me a little shake, and say, "Child why do you let yourself forget that I still have everything under control?  Do you not believe me?"  I know God is not a "I-told-you-so" God, but He must at least want to say that to me all the time when I get scared!

I'll post a non-Halloween bump picture on Wednesday some time.  When I look at my bare belly, its definitely coming out!

On a random note, I'm currently watching "Monster-in-Law", and would just like to say that I am so thankful that no one in our family is like crazy Jane Fonda's character..... at least not that I've seen yet! :-)

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you don't think of me as a monster-in law. If I get out of line just tell me so. The costumes were great. I think Chris should wear his for the Christmas Eve service. He wouldn't stand out at all. Glad you had a fun time. After church we hiked Pinnecle Peak. It was spectacular. Beautiful blue skies and about 80degrees. I am glad we are not cruising this week. Looks like a hurricane would get in our way. We had our annual block party last night in the street. Good time had by all. So glad Olive is doing so well. Can't wait to see new pictures of it. Going to school now to change my room from Halloween to Thanksgiving. Where is the year going? Talk to you later. Call me on my cell phone tonight. Love to all!!!!
