Sunday, October 10, 2010

14 weeks!

At 14 weeks, our baby is about the size of a lemon!  Basically, I have a lemon inside of a grapefruit right now - wow!  Here are this week's highlights:

Size of baby: lemon
Maternity clothes: I've mostly been in leggings this week, though I wore one maternity shirt the other day.  Its really just an extra-long fitted long-sleeve shirt.
Movement: still some time away, but I can't wait
Food cravings: nothing major, but I really wanted a cinnamon roll this morning
What I miss: running.  Anything with impact hurts my lower back.  I have been wearing a sweatshirt this week that has an old mantra on it that says "This Christian race is not a sprint, its a marathon.  So run, that ye may obtain."  I believe its based on a verse in 1 Corinthians, but I have missed being "the runner" this week, especially when I was at the gym this week and there was a girl really going at it on the treadmill.  I told myself, one day that will be you again
Sleep: I've been more tired lately, but I think its because I've been working out, which of course takes more out of you than doing nothing
Symptoms: I have nothing to complain about (unless I'm complaining about chub, which doesn't count).  Really I've been feeling great.
Best moment this week: having everyone LOVE my scones and apple turnovers.  I went to the bathroom as people were just getting into them, and Chris was waiting outside of the auditorium when I got back to brief me on the fact that people LOVED them
What I am looking forward to: fake Thanksgiving, which is tomorrow!  Well, its Columbus Day if you're American, but its Canadian Thanksgiving here tomorrow, which of course we celebrate, just as we did last year, because its an excuse to cook up a special meal

It has been a great week.  My baking was a complete success for Thursday's event, and I was overjoyed at the fact that people really liked my "work."  I spoke with one lady who seemed very interested in hiring me for some other small events, so fingers crossed and praying for that!  I feel like I have found what really makes me happy outside of being a wife and mommy-to-be, both of which are greats things to be, but I have spent the last year here trying to figure out what else I could do that would really make me happy.  I have definitely found it.  Now I just have to wait for other opportunities, and in the meantime, really hone my skills.

Outside of my baking successes this week, we've been off to a great weekend.  Chris had a half day yesterday because its a holiday weekend, so extra time together is always great.  There was a really funny moment one night this week when Chris sat down with his ice cream and Bailie came to see what she might get out of it.  When Chris eats ice cream, he likes to let it sit for a few minutes so he can stir it up.  Bailie had been trying to sniff her way to it, and when he wasn't looking, she just decided she'd have a few licks.  We laughed so hard, made her stop of course, but laughed nonetheless.  Oh Bailie.

Today I have some usual Sunday baking on the agenda.  I decided that I would give real fondant a try, something I've been really intimidated by.  I made a marshmallow fondant yesterday, and today I will roll it out (or at least try) and see how it goes.  If its a success, I'll post a picture soon.  I'm also going to make our pecan pie that is for tomorrow, and I might also make some pumpkin bread.  By the time Christmas is over, I will be so sick of pumpkin, but for now, I am loving the fact that its a staple for fall.  I also can't wait to make our cornish hens tomorrow, which is what we ate last year on fake Thanksgiving.  Last year I made them with a parmesan-garlic crust, but this year I am making maple-glazed hens with bacon dressing..... oh it will be sooooo yummy!

I can't believe we're 14 weeks now.... if Olive moved the right way, an ultrasound tech would be able to make a pretty good guess at gender!  Not that we're finding out of course, but its crazy to think we could actually be saying "he" or "she" almost reliably if we wanted.  We tend to use the words interchangeably right now, but who knows.  It will be the best surprise!  I have been feeling so great this week that I almost feel like my old self.  I really have to stop and remind myself that there's a person in my belly, which still seems so strange to me.  I also feel like I LOOK more like a normal person, which I've heard happens around this time period, and then - bam! - you wake up with your real baby bump one morning, and its not just bloat/fat.  That will be very exciting.

Well, its off to the kitchen for me.  On Tuesday I will post a bump picture for everyone to see.  Happy fake Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. I just love you guys so much. I get so excited when I see something new posted.I smile the whole time i am reading it. I am so proud of you Elizabeth and your catering this week. I am glad you found your niche. God willing you will be contacted soon for more jobs. Loved the ice cream story about Bailie. Chris I am so glad you have extra time off this week to spend with your family and just relax. You deserve it. I know how hard you worked in D.C. Olive i am glad you are doing so well. Keep growing and stay healthy. Talk to you soon.
    Love Mom
