Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Not happening today....

Sorry people, no bump picture today.  I look and feel like..... well, let's just say lousy.  No way am I taking a picture and looking back on my 14-week bump while I'm wearing Chris's old flannel pants, and also an old gray sweatshirt of his.  I started feeling a head cold coming on Sunday afternoon.  By Monday morning, I was hopeful that it was fleeting, but it was rough yesterday.  If it doesn't get worse, I'm very optimistic that its going to be quick.  I have at least been able to sleep for the most part the past 2 nights, but I canceled my few plans for the day, and here I sit on the couch, and here I shall stay.  Last week was the busiest week that I myself have had in a long time, and that, combined with getting back to the germsville that is the gym.... I think it just all caught up with me, so I am taking it easy.  If it wasn't for this person growing in my belly, I probably would have made myself put on the big-girl pants and go on with my day.  So thanks, Olive, for making me just sit back!

I'm sure I will feel better in a couple of days, no need to worry.  I have a call in to my OB just to make sure I don't need to come and see her, and to find out what I can have while I'm not feeling well, but I'm sure she will say to just get some rest.  So rest I shall....

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