Wednesday, November 3, 2010

17-week bump..... not much change from last week.....

Ahh pregnancy.... the one time when I feel okay with wearing horizontal stripes.  I definitely thought that I was popping last week, but I guess not so much.  Then on Monday when I put on my gym clothes, I looked unmistakably pregnant.  I guess its mostly fluctuating bloat still, though I don't feel bloated lately.... oh well, soon enough, I'm sure.

Nothing much to report for the week so far...  though I'm pretty sure our baby must be going through a growth spurt right now because I have been extra tired and hungry, right at a time when my energy has been pretty great and my appetite not so out of this world.  I'm still doing well with getting into the gym and eating well, though the gym may not happen today.  Chris and I went to the Embassy first thing this morning to get our flu shots, then he went to work and I went to my knitting group, and now I am home and exhausted from, well, nothing.

I am still feeling the random pops and tugs in my belly, and a few tickles here and there, but I think that I want to start feeling Olive so much that I have a hard time discerning what really could be him/her from normal gastric movement.  There are times when I just know that I'm feeling Olive without a doubt, but most times are questionable.  This pregnancy is definitely many, many lessons in patience, so I have no choice but to await those first hard kicks.  Mostly I just want Chris to be able to feel them.

That is all for now!  Pretty sure I'm about to settle in for a short nap... zzzzz....zzzzzzzzz......

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