Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I *think* I'm popping out a bit now.... maybe?

I will say that my belly is definitely bigger in the mornings than it used to be.  It used to be that by the end of the day I looked HUGE with all the bloat accumulation.... I think I stay a bit more stable now, and I wake up with the same belly that I went to bed with, instead of the bloat being gone by morning.  You know what else is funny?  I told Chris yesterday that I definitely need a new gym shirt - all my old shirts are super form-fitting.  Around the wedding time frame, the one I've been wearing lately was even a little loose... now it kind of rides up, especially when I start lifting with the free weights.... not really cute when that happens!  I'm sure the few people who I see in the gym at 7:30 in the morning are thinking, wow, that girl needs to cover up that chub!  Haha, it's what I would be thinking about someone else!

Also, this just in.... I might have felt something today.... it felt just like what others girls have said - like popcorn very low in your belly.  I felt it 4 distinct times at knitting today.  It was the strangest sensation.... it just didn't feel like normal tummy rumbles of other sorts.  It could have been nothing, but it just felt like such distinct little thumps from the inside.... so maybe or maybe not, but it definitely reminds me that Olive is really in there!

1 comment:

  1. I do see a little bump starting to form. Can't wait for your appointment on Friday. Little Olive better not be hiding. Come out
    come out where ever you are so the doctor can hear your heartbeat. Olive says no problem. I don't want to worry my mommy and daddy this time. Also I like that mommy is starting to feel me inside. I can't wait for daddy to be able to feel me kicking too. It will make him smile real big. I can't wait to go on the cruise. Mommy will get to eat all the time whatever she wants and that will make me very happy. Well I'm tired good night to all. I love you mommy and daddy. I am so glad God picked you to be my parents.
