Monday, September 13, 2010

The world knows!

Yesterday we had such a great day sharing our news with our families.  This has definitely been THE HARDEST secret to keep, and honestly I can't believe I was actually able to keep it.  Even Chris said once or twice that he found himself having to be careful not to slip up at different times.  We are so thrilled that EACH person we talked to was just as thrilled as we are!

Now we are just going to enjoy our time in DC.  It's definitely strange to be here a year after leaving.  When we first arrived, we kept saying that it was like nothing had changed, except for a few construction areas that are a bit more cleaned up.  Chris has to leave around 7 each morning to drive to class, and then Bailie and I are just going to hang out during the day.  She is such a good girl.  She has a lot of separation anxiety, but I probably would too if I had been in and out of 4 or 5 homes in the last 6 months.  Here's a picture I took last night.  We had just gotten her a new bed and Chris was laying with her on it to get her used to it:

Yesterday we did a little shopping, but after telling everyone how great I had been feeling, I started feeling not so great when we got out, so we're going to do a little more tonight.  We're also going to a Chinese place for dinner that I used to order take out from a LOT when we lived here.  But for now, its time to take Bailie for a walk, and then figure out what to do with the rest of the day!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for making this the most special birthday in a long time. I hope you are resting and taking care of yourself. Love the picture of Chris and Bailie. You have so many people who love you. God has truly blessed you.
