Thursday, September 16, 2010

We have a lime!

Today we are 11 weeks, and according to my baby reading, little Olive is about the size of a lime, and about 2 inches in length.  We only have 2 weeks until we hit the teens, and I just can't believe it.  I will say it in nearly every post, but already, time is flying.

I am not proud to say that I had quite the hormonal meltdown yesterday.  Thank you, little baby, for being there for me to blame for this.  For those of you who have had the great pleasure of witnessing a Harley meltdown, this was my version of that, minus flailing limbs and screaming.  Yesterday the power went out at the hotel for maybe an hour.  MAYBE that long.  Probably closer to 30-40 minutes.  This was at about 4:30 in the afternoon.  I hadn't taken a shower yet because I'd been taking Bailie to the dog park off and on and running around with her.  I called down to the front desk to tell them my lights weren't working, and that's how I found out.  This was also after I had so carefully planned a time to take a nap because I was overly tired yesterday and that plan got thrown out because the cleaning staff didn't come at their scheduled time.  I stayed outside for an hour beginning just before 2 because that's when they said they would come (we scheduled the time because of their policy regarding dogs being in the room when they are trying to clean).  I got back to the room and saw that no one had been there.  The person at the front desk was less than sympathetic when I called down.  So then I had to wait for them to come and trade me towels and take the trash from me.

What sent me over the edge was when I learned that the water pressure was so low that I couldn't take a shower.  I managed to take a super fast bath before the faucet dried up in the tub.  So here I am in the tub, crying because I can't wash my hair.  Then poor Chris comes home from a super long day and I'm bawling saying, what if they don't fix it, how can we wash our hands, how can we get cleaned up, there's no a/c, it's going to get hot in here, didn't they just have a week-long power outage in Virginia or DC somewhere not long ago?  What will we do?  I can't sit around this hotel with no power all day!  ..... About 15 minutes later while Chris was out walking Bailie, the power came back on, which made me cry even more because I felt like such a jerk for getting so worked up about something so ridiculous!  I've been feeling all over the place with emotions these past few days, and I think part of me just wanted to be mad about something.

I should take this moment to commend my very sweet and loving husband on how well he deals with these hormones.  I think we've always balanced each other out in that he is more laid back, and I can be more high-strung, but I am really tipping the scale on my end lately, and he is wonderful.  If he can deal with me until Olive gets here and not lose it, he will deserve the husband of the year award.

Once I calmed down, we went to dinner as planned, and it was delicious.  Today I spent part of the day at the Pentagon City mall and I am now the proud owner of.... maternity jeans!  I was hoping I wouldn't need them this soon, but they are SO comfy, and I only have a couple of pairs that fit, and they only fit because they used to be too big for me.  I also had to break out my tummy sleeve for the first time last night, as I could not comfortably button my shorts.  That really didn't help with my mood at the time, but oh well.... I'm pretty sure I will only keep getting bigger from here, not smaller!

Tonight we are going to a Salvadorean restaurant in Del Ray that we love, Los Tios.  Though, I won't be indulging in my favorite thing there, a mango margarita.  Maybe a virgin one could still be tasty.... probably not.  We're also excited to visit a custard place very close to the restaurant because we found out that their featured flavor tonight is chocolate peanut butter!  Yum!


  1. I hope you had a wonderful evening out. We were all at the Cheesecake Factory when Jeff decided he wanted you to name the baby "monkey." I sure hope your hormones get under control soon. I feel so bad you are crying so much. I am glad Chris is there to comfort you. Can't wait to see you in your maternity clothes on the cruise. You can still wear the bikini you bought in Minnesota. It won't matter if you have a baby bump. You will look so cute. Have a good night and I look forward to future posts. Good night baby Olive.

  2. OMG!!! ... too funny! I love the fact that you're comparing your hormonal meltdowns to one of Harley's. Do you tell Chris, "I WANT TACO BELL!!" or lie to him about having to go "potty" when you really just want to go to a particular restaurant? :o)
