Wednesday, September 22, 2010

How hot dogs can change your life.....

Last night the hunger attacked me in full force when I should have been fine.  Chris got back early yesterday so we decided to make a Costco run since we're leaving here Saturday.  I had just eaten a snack before he got back, so I thought I should be fine to make it a couple of hours until dinner.  NOPE. Yesterday I had eaten 2 breakfast burritos, yogurt, a banana, an English muffin, some watermelon, and probably a couple of other things I can't remember right now.  I probably would have been okay if it would have only taken the 20 minutes it should have taken to get there as opposed to over an hour due to traffic.  We got to Costco and I was getting that hunger/nausea feeling.  I thought I was going to cry.  Thank God Costco sells hot dogs, because that hot dog saved my life last night.  It was possibly the best hot dog I've ever eaten in my life.  Fast forward 2 hours and we're eating our dinner from Noodles and Co.  I got a small order of my usual whole-grain tuscan linguine with chicken because I figured, well I ate that huge hot dog, so I think a small will be enough.  Again, NOPE.  By 2 hours later, my stomach was literally HURTING because I was so hungry.  One big bowl of cheerios later, I was fine and off to bed.  Eating is definitely getting to be less fun.  Chris must feel like he is getting practice with a toddler right now, because when I get SO hungry like that, I get SO irritable, and then as soon as I'm eating, I'm perfectly happy and the world is at peace once again.

We'll see how I fare today.  I had 2 English muffins this morning for breakfast with some egg, cheese, and sausage.  I always grab a plateful of food for throughout the day, and since I didn't know what I would want, I've got raisin bran, 2 slices of bread either for toast or a PB&J, an English muffin, and a cinnamon raisin bagel to pick from.  Plus, I still have leftover pizza from Sunday, and I have yogurt and an apple in the fridge.  I'm really hoping my appetite levels out in the next week or so, once we're officially in the second trimester.  I love food more than the next person, but ALL I'm doing is EATING.  Of course yesterday when we got back, Chris sweetly says, just tell me when you need to eat, it's fine.  But I feel bad because I try so hard to plan so that all our outings don't become centered around me eating, but I always fail!  I'm thinking that our baby already has the appetite of Mom+Dad, which will only be detrimental to our grocery budget.....

On the bright side, we hit 12 weeks tomorrow!  12 WEEKS!  It will be the last count before the teens, which is CRAZY!  Wow.

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