Sunday, September 26, 2010

We're home!

Chris, Bailie, Olive, and I made it home from DC around 12:30 this morning.  Who knew it could feel so good to come back to Canada of all places!  And, we actually had a FRIENDLY border agent when we crossed (usually late on the weekends, you get someone who tries to give you as hard a time as he can, especially because he knows he can't do anything to us, or question us about what we have in the car).  We think that Bailie enjoyed her exposure to all things American, and we loved getting to go to all our favorite restaurants and malls.

One thing that we did not enjoy was the TRAFFIC.  I had definitely forgotten what it was like to be in the hustle and bustle of that area.  Granted, when I lived in the DC area, I took the metro everywhere, but you are still aware of the awful traffic.  Chris had to drive almost an hour, sometimes longer, each way to his class.  His usual commute here in Ottawa is about 15 minutes, so quite a change!

Today we are just enjoying being home.  It is a typical fall Sunday as Chris watches football all day long.  While its not my favorite thing, it is the familiarity that makes it enjoyable for me.  We are home, and this is what our house is like on Sundays in the fall.  Its about 50 degrees here, so it feels like its freezing compared to the 90 degree temps we had just yesterday in DC!  Its also a bit rainy, but that makes it so much nicer to stay in.

We have an appointment with our OB on Tuesday, just one of our "every 4-week appointments."  I'll post sometime that evening and let everyone know how it went.

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