Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Just another crazy day.....

Today went from crummy, to bad, to GREAT!  We had our second doctor's appointment today.  It was great to go to the OB again - each time we are there makes this feel slightly more real.  The appointment started with me finding out how much weight I've gained..... let's just say that I was NOT happy.  We're not going to be discussing the specific number, but I was just heartbroken.  I guess it wasn't even enough for the doctor to be worried with it because she called me skinny and asked me where I was going to keep the baby.  That made me feel a little better... that and Chris promising me that I looked beautiful this morning when I just felt fat.  Ahhhh...... Oh well.  In the end, I have no problem sacrificing my body for our perfect miracle.

After finding out the number behind my pants no longer fitting me, the doctor began looking for Olive's heartbeat with the doppler.  As soon as she put it on my belly, I knew she wasn't going to find it, and she didn't.  Again, I was pretty disappointed, but she made it better when she said that she would send us for an ultrasound to check on the fetal heartbeat to keep me from worrying, which, of course I would have.  She also told me that it was very likely that the baby was still sitting so low that the heart would be hard to pick up.  Lucky for us, the hospital was able to squeeze us in right after my appointment, so I chugged about 20 ounces of water and over to the hospital we went.  To my relief and joy, here's what we saw the second the tech put the ultrasound wand on my belly:

 And with a great heartbeat of 163bpm!  I was so happy to see that, and look!  Olive looks so much more like a baby than our first ultrasound!  It was amazing.  At one point, Olive rolled around and I could see the tiny little arms and legs dots, which was the sweetest thing to see.  Had it not been for trouble finding the heartbeat, we wouldn't have gotten another ultrasound until between 18-22 weeks, for the anatomy scan.  So I guess the half hour of stress I had to go through was worth getting to see our sweet little baby again.

We don't go back now until the end of October for our next check-up.  We also found out today that the doctor's office had given us the wrong due date.  Our official due date is April 10, not April 7, so that slides us back a few days, which means we won't be 13 weeks until Sunday instead of Thursday, but no big deal.  We have made it past 12 weeks with a wonderful heartbeat, which has us over the moon!  I kept looking at the ultrasound pictures from today thinking, okay, there really IS a person in my belly!  Now that I am feeling extra great, it kind of makes pregnancy feel less real right now.  I think its just because I haven't gone through that nasty morning sickness.  I haven't been exhausted and I haven't had heartburn for almost a week.  I still really have to eat something every 2-3 hours, but otherwise, I'm doing great!

The icing on the cake came after we got home and I opened up my email.  I am so excited to have been asked to do some dessert CATERING for something at the Embassy next week on Thursday!!  The woman who runs the Community Liaison Office there knows that I love to bake and asked me how much would I charge for a small catering gig!!  I only have to make about 4 dozen pastries, but that was just the perfect end to our day.  I'm so excited, and just hoping that everyone enjoys my treats.  So even though the day was a little rocky at first, it ended on a wonderful note.


  1. Congrats on the catering gig!!! That's a great start to our business! :o)
    You have a baby in your belly!! It's so great to be able to finally recognize a person in there instead of just a blob. It definitely makes it very real. Btw, Harley thinks you're having a girl. She has also thought of some names for the baby .... Anneliese, Cooper, Dozer or Foxy. I reminded her that these are the names of her pets and then asked her to think of a pretty girl's name for the baby, she said of course .... Harley!

  2. What a great post. I love my grandbaby. I can actually see Olive in there. How precious. I was worried about you but everything ended up great. I am so excited about your catering job. It is just exactly what you love doing plus you get paid for it. I am so proud of you. Don't you dare worry about your weight gain. As long as you and Olive are healthy that is all that matters. Now sit back relax and enjoy being with your wonderful husband and cuddly dog.

    Love Mom
