Thursday, September 9, 2010

Today we are 10 weeks and..... is about the size of a prune!  Definitely doesn't sound as cute as being an olive, which is what Baby graduated from.  We liked referring to our little olive.  But, he/she will only be a prune for a week, and then we'll move on to another fruit..... I am so excited that we have hit double digits today!  It feels crazy that we are now one quarter of the way through this pregnancy!  It doesn't feel like its been SIX weeks since we found out.  Wow.

I've still been feeling pretty good, though I definitely went to bed last night with an upset stomach.  I don't really "feel" pregnant most days, except when I look at the ultrasound photo.  For now, I just feel chubby.  I count myself lucky each day that I have no true morning sickness, though the exhaustion hit me HARD yesterday!  I went through and cleaned all of the surfaces in our house and then took Bailie for a walk.  Before we were halfway to our turn-around, I just wanted to lay down on the sidewalk and take a nap.  That, plus a mild backache, and a massive hunger wave that hit me out of nowhere, sent me to the couch once we got back.  I ate my PBJ sandwich and stretched out for a nap, which happens a lot lately.  I was such a workout fiend prior to the wedding and now.... Bailie and I manage a total of about 4 miles in walking each day, but not much more.  But thats enough to make me feel like I'm back to my days of running 8-10 miles!  Its amazing how tired this tiny little baby can make me already!  Sometimes I have to "nap" from about 7-8 in the evening just to make it through the rest of the evening!

Also yesterday, Baby got a major craving for a donut.  Yep, BABY had the craving.  I'd like to thank my wonderful husband for telling me that its not ME who wants these things, its the baby.  Whatever it takes to make me feel less guilty about eating it, haha..... probably the reason I'm going to be in maternity clothes soon.  Some things are getting super snug, and by the end of the day, I'm looking pretty bump-y in the belly.  Soon enough it will be a real bump though!

Those of you in our family are reading this after the fact, but we are so excited to share our news with you this Sunday!  I can't wait and am counting down the days!


  1. I am so excited for you. God has blessed you dearly. I can't wait to be a Grandma. I pray God keeps all 3 of you safe and healthy. Now lets go celebrate with sweet potato fries and a blizzard.

    Love and blessings,
    Nana Cici

  2. "Nana Cici"?!?!? ... wow, at first I was wondering who the heck that was. That may take some time to sink in and get used to! :o)
