Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I can't believe....

...that we are on the last day of our 10-week count.  Tomorrow we will be 11 weeks - time is already flying by!!  Thinking of myself as 11 weeks pregnant seemed SO far away when we found out around 4.5 weeks.  I can only imagine how the rest of the time is going to fly, and while I can't wait for Olive (for anyone who doesn't know, that's what we call the baby) to get here, I want to enjoy and remember EVERYthing, even the times I don't feel so great, or the days that I wake up exhausted, like today.  I was having the strangest dream though.  I was dreaming that we were having an ultrasound, and Olive finally looked like a baby!  All of our family was there, and it was really weird.  I've definitely had ultrasounds on the brain because a friend of mine from back home in Illinois recently found out that she's pregnant, and her first appointment is today.  She is about 6 weeks, and should see a little heartbeat, and as I can understand, she is so excited!  So I've been thinking a lot about her.

Last night after Chris got back from his long day of class, we went to Outback for dinner.  The best part - Chris got carded when he ordered a beer!!  I personally like getting ID'd, but that's just me.  It was funny.  My coconut shrimp and sweet potato were DELICIOUS.  As I type this, I wish I was eating that meal all over again!  And the hotel had free ice cream last night, so we got to enjoy that, and Bailie even got to have a little vanilla, which she REALLY liked.  We don't give her extras like that very often, but once in a while I think she deserves it.  She has been LOVING her trips to the dog park, and its so cute to see her running around and wrestling with other dogs.  Yesterday I spent most of the day out, so I promised her I would stay with her today, so we'll be at the park frequently, running around it.  On the bright side, I got a few cute pieces of "transition" clothing, since I'm starting to get a little chubby in the tummy.  It used to just be bloat, but I think over the next couple of weeks, a little bump will be forming, because I don't really feel bloated anymore, and the little pooch is still there in the mornings.  Walking to and from the metro, and to and from the mall that is by the metro really exhausted me though!  I didn't make time for a nap yesterday, which really left me tired, so there will probably be some afternoon sleepy time today.

Tonight we are going to one of my favorite pizza places here, a restaurant called Piola, which is right across the street from my very first job that I had here (pre government).  We'll take the metro over and it will be fun to be in that area again and remember my first year living in Virginia.  Some months later, I met Chris, and the rest is history.........

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