Tuesday, September 7, 2010

We couldn't have planned it better......

We are officially sharing our wonderful news with the world that we are expecting our first baby in April 2011!!!

We could not be more thrilled.  And for those of you who believed us when we said that we were planning to wait on children until we'd been married for a while..... YES, this was absolutely planned!  Chris and I have always known that there would be no waiting, but you know us, we like to keep secrets sometimes!  Since August 1, the day the first test came up positive, we have been completely elated at the thought of our first baby.  We have each wanted to be a mommy and daddy so badly for a long time.  We just had to find each other first!

At about 4:30am on August 1, I took  my first pregnancy test.  I was terrified.  Long before our wedding, I began praying that shortly after we would find out that we were pregnant.... little did either of us know that it would actually happen immediately!  I had been feeling certain things here and there that made me think I might be.... but I was trying not to get my hopes up.  There were too many other logical explanations.  The few days before finding out REALLY made me think something was up.  I was incredibly exhausted, and just not feeling myself.  I felt like I was back to running 10 miles a day, when I hadn't been doing much of anything!  On Friday, July 30, I was a wreck.  I started crying because the hair stylist cut my hair too short, I bit the head off the poor salesman in the Verizon store (still feel guilty about that one), the oil change for the car took 1.5 hours, and the doctor for Chris took way longer than usual.  I was extra crabby and nearly in tears most of the day.  I don't think we got home until 2 in the morning to top things off.

I was too scared to test that first morning after buying our tests.  I told myself I would do it the next day.  I woke up at 4am, and kept arguing with myself in my head, telling myself that I was certainly pregnant, so just go take the test and see for yourself for sure.  I was shaking, and trying to prepare myself for certain disappointment.  When the positive line didn't immediately come up, I was heartbroken.  Fast forward about 30 seconds, and a light pink line was showing.  I started shaking even more.  I woke Chris up to show him, to make sure I wasn't wanting a positive so badly that I was imagining it.  Nope - it was positive.  We were so excited!  The next day, I confirmed with a digital test that immediately came up with "pregnant."  I called my OB that day, and on August 20, we had our first prenatal appointment, which made this pregnancy a little more real.  We didn't do much else than a physical exam for me, and family history on both of us.  The best take away from the appointment was when I told the doctor that I was feeling mostly fine, but that I was starving ALL the time, she said "good!  You need to eat!".  She did try to listen for a heartbeat with a doppler, but as I was about 7 weeks then, it was far too early with that method.

All of this REALLY became real on August 31, when we had our first ultrasound.  Before I go into those details, I'd like to just say that making a pregnant woman hold 32 ounces of water for an hour is incredibly cruel!  I didn't think I would make it.  But I did, and as I lay on the table looking at our little peanut on the screen, I couldn't help but start tearing up, especially when I saw the little heart flicker.  It is the most amazing thing I have ever seen in my life.  The whole rest of the afternoon, I just kept staring at our ultrasound picture.  He/she didn't look like much right then, but it is a crazy feeling that there is a second heart beating in my body!

How have I been feeling?  Pretty good really!  My 2 toughest symptoms are extreme fatigue and extreme hunger!  It could be so much worse.  My OB thinks that at this point, I am going to miss the morning sickness, which is fine with me!  I do get extremely tired, and try to take naps during the day.  And my appetite is through the roof!  Probably anyone reading this already knows that I could eat more than a lot of men, but this is extreme even for me.  It feels like I do nothing but EAT!  When I told the OB this, she said, "Good!  You need to!"  So far, my cravings have been sweet potato fries, saltine crackers, and cheeseburgers (not the best choice, I know).  Right now, I'm really into eggs, scrambled of course for now (I'm really missing over-easy).  I have had a few food aversions though - for a while, I was barely drinking coffee anymore, not because of the caffeine, but because it just didn't smell good to me anymore.  Here's the craziest aversion - CHOCOLATE!!!  I've eaten so little of it since about a week after finding out.  It just doesn't sound good.  And don't even show me red velvet cake, or beef stroganoff.... YUCK.  2 of my favorite things in the world are now my enemies.  That goes for banana-flavored anything too.  Gross.

All in all, we are doing great!  Chris is excited, I'm excited.... we even think Bailie knows!  They say that animals have an intuition about pregnancy, so maybe that's true.

Just to clear up a couple of things....
1) We are not going to find out the gender.  We both have discussed very strong feelings about whether we might be having a little boy or a little girl, but have decided to keep this between us until Baby gets here, and then we'll let you know if our intuition was right.
2) We will not be sharing our name choices.  We have both been in agreement for quite awhile on our boy and girl names.  They are very special to us, and once Baby gets here, we will share the appropriate one with everyone.

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