Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Me and My Sweet Potato 18-Week Bump!

I'm a day late posting this, but by the time I got back last night from the volunteer reception, though it wasn't late, I was way more exhausted than I realized... as was evident later when I fell asleep on the couch.  I probably say this every week, but I really think the belly's coming out a bit more, though its more obvious when I look at my bare belly.  But last night, a woman I hadn't seen since I was 9 weeks, and who knew then that I was pregnant, told me I'm starting to "look more like a pregnant woman", which was kind of exciting to hear.  Its funny how a pregnant belly really becomes a conversation piece, haha.

I'm pretty sure that I felt my first stronger movements this morning!  I was laying in bed thinking about the scan tomorrow, and I was praying for God to help me not to worry.  In a devotion I read recently, it said that worrying just takes strength out of tomorrow, so I was praying not to be like that, because the worry switch is always turned to ON right before an appointment.  Then after feeling one little baby tap, I rolled onto my back and started poking around my belly, and there I felt it, about 1 or 2 inches below my belly button, that unmistakable little bump, bump, bump....  I would push around .... wait a minute .... and the bump would happen again.  I have decided that this is God's way of answering my prayers.  I tried to help Chris feel it, but its too early I think for him to know what he's feeling because I would feel something and say, did you feel that?  But he couldn't.  But it was still awesome!  And as if right on cue this morning after second breakfast, Olive gave me a little thump. :-)

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