Sunday, November 7, 2010

18 Weeks and Sweet Potato Goodness!

Size of baby: sweet potato..... mmmm I could so go for ANYthing sweet potato based right now.... the point is, Olive is about 5 inches long right now
Maternity clothes: I just ordered a bunch of tops from Motherhood that were on clearance.  I realized recently that while all my tops still fit, they aren't long enough to cover the maternity band on my jeans, so this order will solve that!
Movement: No startling kicks, but those "pops" I started feeling have become much more consistent.  I can usually count on noticing them about mid-morning when I've gotten back from the gym and have had my late second breakfast / early lunch
Food cravings: really loving grapes and apples right now, Raisin Bran cereal, and anything peppermint flavored
What I miss: still the hard workouts, and also not looking like I have a beer gut (when I made my Motherhood order the other day, I really wanted a shirt that says "pregnant, not fat!")
Sleep: pregnancy insomnia has made a return.  Tuesday or Wednesday night was my last really good night of sleep.  Now I'm waking up around 3 and 4 and just tossing and turning.
Symptoms: a migraine tried to rear its ugly head yesterday.  I haven't had one in a year, and its really panic-inducing because I can't just pop a Maxalt now.  I got the flashing spots, which told me it should be on its way.  Thankfully after a lot of prayer and laying on the couch, I could see again, and only had a mild ache for most of the afternoon, with no nausea, which was GREAT, because usually one migraine knocks me down for at least a full day, sometimes a couple 
Best moment this week: having my almost-migraine go away, and Chris getting up 2 mornings in a row with Bailie for her usual 5 or 6am potty break.... I don't mind it, but it was very sweet that he did it for me - another good husband gold star!
What I am looking forward to: still so many things.... the anatomy scan, the cruise, EVERYthing about Christmas, including LOTS of holiday baking!

Yesterday we ended up needing a surprise trip down to Ogdensburg.  On Friday, when we were in traffic, another driver got our attention to tell us that we had a low tire.  After some pressure checking that night and Saturday morning, it was pretty clear to Chris that this tire was no good..... also evident by the big nail he later found stuck in it (probably picked up in the awesome construction nightmare outside the embassy right now, thanks Canada!).  There might not be much of anything in Ogdensburg, but even their very small Walmart has an automotive section that had our tires in stock!  So after our cleaners left, we headed down and made an afternoon / early evening of it.  I'm very thankful that we were able to found out about this and take care of it now, and not come home from say, the cruise, to a flat tire.  So God bless that man!

Friday night was a nice time though - we went to a restaurant in Quebec called Le Buffet des Continents with 5 other people associated with the Embassy.  The restaurant has buffet stations dedicated to different cuisines, such as Chinese, Greek, Italian, etc.  It was really good!  I also learned how you go to a buffet, sample everything, and not leave miserable.  I probably went back 4 times, but I put small amounts on my plate, and only took about 2 bites of everything.  Same thing with dessert.  So my belly was in good shape when the guy across from me was definitely in pain from all the food!  It was good though, and we had a nice time.

I think I have now entered the realm of steady weight gain.  Right now I am the same weight as I was through my undergrad years.  Its not as stressful to me anymore though.  While I do NOT enjoy seeing the number go up, even by half a pound or so at a time, I know its inevitable, and I have been really taking care of myself.  My only vice right now are the Jelly Bellys jelly beans.  If I can stay away from those,  I'll be doing good!  I have my first (and hopefully only!) glucose tolerance test right when we come back from Christmas, and the last thing I want is to fail that, have to take the 3-hour test, and then find out that I have gestational diabetes, so now more than ever I have realized how important it is to be balanced.  Guess its a good thing that dessert is not nearly as appetizing as it used to be!  (On a side note, it also makes me feel awesome that I have twice now been mistaken for the new female Marine at the embassy - it makes me feel like, hey I must still look like I'm in good shape, right?)

Today will mostly be a normal Sunday with football on all day, though we will start getting some of our things together for the cruise.  I can't believe we're leaving for that this week, and even more can't believe we get to see our baby this week! (Although, the way our luck has been, I'm not going to be shocked if the hospital calls me up to say they screwed up again and we have to reschedule.)  I'm so looking forward to seeing our little sweet potato-sized baby!  Hopefully s/he will cooperate with the ultrasound tech and let him get all the pictures they need.  So we will have new pictures that day, and they are also supposed to send us off with a video of the baby!

I told Chris that I've already learned that Olive is quite the stinker.  Earlier this week, I started feeling a lot of "pops", so I would put my hands on the spot on my belly where I was feeling them... and they would stop.  But, as soon as I took my hands away, they started again!  The consistency that's developed is what really makes me believe I've been feeling the baby now, which is amazing.  I can't wait for Chris to be able to feel it too.  I think it will be more real for him that there is an actual baby growing in my belly, though he does talk to him/her quite a bit, which I love.  Yesterday we were looking at baby things while we were waiting for the car to be done, and I just kept thinking, this is our life in 22ish weeks, give or take a couple!

This week is going to be quick, at least the next couple of days, for me anyway.  Tomorrow evening I get to go over to the ambassador's house for a reception that his wife is hosting for people who contributed to the Embassy bake sale last month.  Its really just for ladies, but now I'm thinking that maybe Chris SHOULD come because he did pipe the pumpkin stems on a lot of the cookies..... haha.  Then Tuesday evening we will take Bailie over to her "vacation home" (same place as during our last trip), and Wednesday morning, it will be time to go.  Our appointment is scheduled for 2pm.

I'll take and post my 18-week photo tomorrow... until then! :-)

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