Thursday, November 11, 2010

Baby Piasecki is Really Growing!!

This isn't the greatest picture - in fact, I took a picture of the sonogram picture with my cell phone's less than great camera, but here is Olive at 18 weeks, 3 days!  We had the anatomy scan at 2pm yesterday and it was a pretty cool hour and few minutes.  Baby was all over the place for almost an hour, and gave the tech a fight at times when she was trying to take certain pictures, which was kind of funny.

Probably the coolest part was when the techs tried to take a 4D picture of the baby's face.  We're talking about a place that gives you a VHS recording of the anatomy scan, no DVDs.  I had no idea they had 4D capability, but it didn't matter because Olive was having none of that.  S/He had an arm in front of the face each time they tried, so they will probably have us come back after we get back to try again, which we're perfectly fine with if we get to see him/her again!  What was really funny in my head and Chris's was when they would be looking at certain things, say, the stomach or kidneys, and you could have told us that was just about anything and we wouldn't have had a clue!  But some things were very obvious, like the heart (because I had looked at pictures of what the chambers look like), and the hands, feet, and spine.  We have the picture above, a picture of one of the hands (it looked like Olive was clapping), and a frontal view of the face in 2D, which is actually really scary looking!  Baby looks like a creepy skeleton!  Chris said its our little Skeletor.  I've been calling the baby Thumper lately though, because after seeing how active s/he is, I know that all those "bumps" I've been feeling are completely validated as the baby!  I feel movement pretty much every day now, which is awesome.

Some people have asked if we or the techs could tell sex..... well, as I have said, we are committed to NOT finding out, but to be honest, we both agreed that we came out of the appointment thinking that the baby is a ........ we have NO idea.  Seriously!  And we like it that way.  I never thought I would be 100% on board with not finding out and that Chris would have to keep me strong on that, but now more than ever I love that we will be surprised.  We don't care whether we have a boy or a girl - we just want our healthy little Olive :-)

Right now we are sitting at the airport, and this will be the last blog post for almost 2 weeks, but I'm sure we will have lots of updates and pictures after the cruise!

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