Tuesday, November 30, 2010

21 Weeks!

 Since I am a couple of days late with the weekly check-in, it's actually 21 weeks and 2 days today, but OH MY GOODNESS 21 WEEKS!  From now on, we're on the downhill stretch. 

Size of baby: banana..... by length anyway.  This means Baby is around 8ish inches long or so.  No wonder I feel movement all over my belly now!
Maternity clothes: all the time, and with no shame!
Movement: still every day, including as I am typing this right this minute!  Still nothing strong enough for Chris to feel, but there is nothing that makes me happier right now than feeling this little guy or gal move around and bump the heck out of my belly.  I love that I can easily tell what is Baby and what's not.
Food cravings: nothing major, but I want pickles WITH everything..... be prepared to be grossed out.... the other night I told Chris I REALLY wanted a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with bacon and pickles.... I didn't actually eat it, but I might today because my gosh it sounds delicious.... hey, the baby wants what it wants!
What I miss: other than the usual things, nothing much lately
Sleep: still pretty good
Symptoms: my back has been borderline killing me the last few days, but I don't think its pregnancy-related.... more like thanks to the 2ish days I've lived in the kitchen and been on my feet
Best moment this week: yesterday at the craft fair, one of the ladies who hadn't seen me in a while said, "ooh, you're belly is starting to get bigger!"  While yes, I am sensitive to the whole weight gain, when it comes to belly, that's fine.  I love people noticing.  Also, at our appointment last week, I found out I've only gain 2 pounds since the appointment a month before that.  2 POUNDS!  I was ecstatic!  The nurse said that she would have never known we had been on a cruise.  I can handle that.
What I am looking forward to: CHRISTMAS!!!!!!  I could not be more excited!!!!!

Its only Tuesday and already I feel like it should be Thursday, but its been a good start to the week.  I spent most of the weekend getting goodies ready for the craft fair.  I made petit fours, which I must say turned out beautifully, pumpkin scones, assorted truffles, iced sugar cookies, and homemade hot chocolate.  My best-selling items yesterday were the cakes and the truffles.  I just finished the cookies last night, so we'll see how those go, but only one person bought hot chocolate, which was kind of disappointing, but as Chris and I agreed, neither of us would really want a heavy drink like that at lunchtime, so maybe the timing just isn't good.  Overall, I do think that I sold more items than any of the other 6 or so ladies who were there, and I am happy with everything so far.  I knew going into this that we weren't going to make any kind of huge profit; it was really just to test the waters.  Hopefully today goes well too.  Even if it doesn't, it has still been a fun "holiday" thing to do.  And really, I am glad to have a break from the kitchen.  My back can't take anymore, so I probably won't be doing any kitchen time other than dinners until Christmas.

To update, our appointment last week went great.  My OB is currently on maternity leave, but will be back in January, and the midwife who is filling in was really nice.  She told us that the report from the anatomy scan was great - everything came back in the normal range, which is of course what anyone would want to hear.  She also found our baby's heartbeat immediately, and it was much louder and stronger sounding this time.  When it popped up, there was no mistaking - that's a heartbeat!  The only thing that I have to be checked for later on is the position of the placenta.  The scan report said that it is "borderline low-lying" which, from what I've read, is VERY common early on, and usually it corrects itself by the time you get re-checked (around 34 weeks is what I read).  The bottom line is that the midwife told me it is not something to be worried about, so I'm not.  It sounds like in the very worst case scenarios, it means you end up having a c-section, but again, not worrying about it right now.

I'm so excited for Christmas!!  Every year I get really excited, but this year it's even more meaningful for us.  Its the last major trip for us as just the 2 of us as a couple.  Even if Baby arrives late, s/he will still be 8 months old by Christmas - 8 MONTHS!  I love everything about Christmas, and especially the Christmas story.  I tear up in happiness so many times when I see it or hear it.  It really is the greatest story in history, and it is even more amazing to me now that I am pregnant.  There is NO way that I could see ONE person's life, let alone an entire world, being worth more than my child's life, and I haven't even met the kid yet.  It's just not happening.  So the fact that God could send a little baby is even more amazing to me this year.  I think it makes me see parental love already in a completely new light, and I love it.

Well, that's it for now.  I will try to have a bump picture to post later.  For now, here are the 3 pictures from the anatomy, now in good scanned-in quality, and also some other pictures from the cruise:


sweet little hands

...and Skeletor!

love this picture of us

first formal night

great family pic

second formal night

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