Sunday, January 30, 2011

30 Weeks!

Here's the highlights:

Size of baby: around 15 inches long and weighs between 2.5 to 3.5 pounds.  No wonder my belly is really starting to feel heavy!
Movement: fewer kicks/punches, but so much rolling and pushing... though this all changes on a daily basis!
Food cravings: eh..... my appetite has been really down.  I guess with my stomach being squished way up in my chest, I get full much more quickly.  I have been slightly more into sweets lately, but I try not to indulge too often.
What I miss: still just feeling fit.  I know I'm 7 months pregnant, but I will look forward to that first nice hard workout I get to do.
Sleep: not super lately, probably because it is starting to get harder to get comfortable.
Symptoms: belly stretching, reflux, rib pain.  Friday evening was the first time that the right side of my ribs actually hurt every time I took a deep breath.  But, compared to other pregnancies, I have nothing to complain about, so I count my blessings of an overall easy pregnancy every day!
Best moment this week: seeing our baby again on Friday!
What I am looking forward to: everything.  Getting our baby here and being a family.

Another good week here.  I can't believe I'm 30 weeks.  It seems like we should still be at 9 weeks, still in secret, and still talking about our super tiny little baby that didn't even look like a baby then.  This week our bouncer seat and pack-and-play came in, and I also put the crib bedding on.  Our nursery is really starting to look like a cute little baby room, and when I pass by that room during the day, I am still amazed that a little baby is really going to be in there soon!  Our house is also starting to look more "home-y" as a whole, as we finally got around to putting up different wall hangings and frames that we've been accumulating for..... a while.

I guess our only big event this week was Friday.  My doctor's appointment had to be rescheduled because my OB had to be gone (probably doing a scheduled delivery is my guess), but we still went in for bloodwork (which I despise of course), and the follow-up ultrasound for placenta location.  I got extra scared when I went into the room for bloodwork.  The lady in there for that afternoon was dropping EVERYthing, and I was terrified that this draw might be extra painful.  Thankfully it wasn't.  Its not even that I'm afraid of needles.  I have this completely irrational fear that I'm going to get the needle in my arm, and then its going to get jiggled around, or worse, ripped out.  I know its crazy, but that's my fear!  So that's why I hate bloodwork.

After my scheduled 60 seconds of stress, we got to our more "fun" part, and we had the nicest ultrasound tech!  The others we have had are nice too, but they are never as friendly and excited to see the baby as we are.  I know its their job to be this way, but no matter who you're interacting with, nothing is as much fun as when someone shares your excitement.  The tech took all the pictures of the placenta that she thought she needed, and then she indulged our request to try and get some 3D pictures of Baby's face.  For the FOURTH time now, Baby did NOT want to have any of this!  That arm was in front of the face almost the entire time!  I guess the baby just wants us to be completely surprised on D-Day.  However, we did get a few cute pictures, which I will post later today after we scan them in.

Our tech did tell us that we will probably be having yet another ultrasound later on because Baby was breech on Friday.  Nothing we're worried about because 1) babies can turn up until the moment before delivery and 2) I know its really a big deal to a lot of women, but I truly do not care how this kid gets out, so long as s/he arrives safely and healthy.  The tech also told us that it looked to her like my placenta was completely in the "right" place, so that was nice to hear (though there's always the chance she could be wrong, she is after all not a doctor).  Hearing that our baby is (or at least was, then) breech clarified that I have in fact been feeling a head in my ribs!  I thought that maybe I had been feeling a baby butt lately, but no, its been a head, haha!  At any rate, the kid's got 10 more weeks (ish) to get into the right position, so we'll see.  10 WEEKS!  We can hardly believe it!

I will post a bump picture later in the week, and I will post new ultrasound pictures later when we get them scanned in.  We were going to do that yesterday, but we had a busy day of sitting on the couch and later picking out a few clearance items at Old Navy for the baby (total score - we got 2 onesies, a pajama outfit, and some fleece pants for under $9)..... so, needless to say, we had to save that for today, haha.

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