Sunday, January 9, 2011

27 Weeks!

I can't believe that we are in the home stretch (aka third trimester).  Yikes!  Here are the highlights:

Size of baby: according to the The Bump, still eggplant (but that's crown-to-rump length, or CRL) ..... but with legs extended, baby is about 14.5 inches long
Maternity clothes: I just kind of laugh to myself at how they fit now.... yesterday I put on an old long-sleeve t-shirt that used to be really baggy on me..... not so much anymore!
Movement: baby's been REALLY active lately and I love it, though s/he is starting to attack my rib cage.  When we were on our connecting flight to Syracuse on Friday, the right side of my ribs felt like they were being stabbed.
Food cravings: we may need to buy stock in blueberries.  We bought a pint on Friday night and they will be gone within the day.
What I miss: now that I have my bed back, nothing for now!
Sleep: Friday and Saturday night have been the best nights of sleep in weeks!
Symptoms: just this belly getting bigger and bigger!
Best moment this week: sleeping in our bed!  I love you all in Arizona, but I think we can all agree that there is never anything as sweet as your own bed.
What I am looking forward to: my joint baby shower this Friday, hosted by some sweet ladies from the embassy!

I will say it over and over...... I CAN'T BELIEVE we're in the LAST trimester.  Doesn't it seem like it was just last weekend that we were sharing our news?!  It does to me.  I think about where Chris and I were in our lives this time last year - marriage on the horizon, but no clear plan yet - and now look where we are.  I am thankful for every single day.

We all made it back home late Friday night after a very smooth day of travel.  I think it was God's way of smiling on us after the trip out of here was so hellish.  Both of our flights were on time.  I didn't have to sit right next to anyone on either plane, and Bailie seemed to handle the day like a champ again.  However, Delta is now dead to Chris.  Our trip out was enough to make me hate that company with the fire of a thousand suns, but not Mr. Never-Gets-Mad.  He wasn't convinced yet of how evil they are.  But he now feels the same as me.  They charged us for our bags.  We NEVER pay for bags because Chris has a military ID.  When he showed it to the lady at the ticket counter, she asked him for orders, and when he said he didn't have them, she just brushed it off..... didn't even tell us she was going to charge us.  We discovered it when he took a closer look at the receipt for Bailie.  When we disputed it, Delta basically said, yeah too bad!  Chris was livid.  But, now we are united in how much we despise Delta.  Oh, and I have to add that stupid Delta zip-tied Bailie's cage closed this time - WTF?!  Thanks, Delta, that in the event of an emergency I could have just used my pregnant strength to break her out.  They also just shoved her out of a door and walked away in Syracuse, not like in Phoenix the way they waited to make sure someone was there to get her.  Chris was in the bathroom when that happened, and it was very sweet of another lady to notice me trying to deal with her on my own and she came over to try to help.  Bailie made a lot of friends that evening.  Complaining aside, I am thankful that she made it just fine and didn't seem to be in distress, though she was NOT happy each time we put her in the car and made her ride in the crate.

Thankfully, the roads weren't too awful coming home.  The worst section was in our neighborhood!  We got to bed around midnight and didn't get out of bed until about 11:15 yesterday morning.  We spent yesterday doing nothing (except we did unpack), and stayed in bed until about the same time again today.  Best sleep either of us have had in weeks.  I think Bailie was even exhausted because she didn't really try to make us get up any earlier than we did!  She is back to her normal home routine.  She did jump into bed both mornings, but got right down when we told her to.  She has not tried to jump on the couch though.  She has her cool spots here that she likes, such as the stone floor that she is laying on right now.  She's such a good girl.  I'm so glad we brought her with us on our trip.

With no trips coming up until possibly this summer, the next big event for us is this baby!  It was so strange to unpack all the baby clothes that we accumulated and put them in the nursery.  THE NURSERY..... WE HAVE A NURSERY.  Still very surreal.  Next weekend we will probably begin putting some things together, and it will start to look like a REAL baby's room.  We were very blessed to receive some great items from family friends while we were visiting (thank you Amy and Annie!).  We don't have many big-ticket items left.  Not this week, but next Friday we will pick up our stroller travel system, and at the same time probably our swing and pack-n-play.  We'll order our bedding soon, and probably the bouncer, and we'll be pretty set.  Then in another month or so, we'll get our hospital bag ready for just in case.

Something fun we did during our last week on vacation was to go and see our baby again!  We kept it a secret, but when we did our initial 3D ultrasound, the place doing it offered us a follow-up appointment for half the price because our baby was so uncooperative.  We did this on Wednesday, and this time baby had not only an arm over the face, but also both legs!  Finally in the last 5 or so minutes, Baby gave us some cute shots.  Here's some of them:

probably our favorite

those are Chris's lips, Baby didn't get them from me

mouth open just a bit and almost looks like a tongue sticking out
Hopefully when our baby gets here, s/he will not be as stubborn as inside the womb!  I'm thinking s/he is just shy like Daddy.  At least that's what I'm telling myself for now.

Tomorrow I have the 1-hour glucose test and then my monthly check-up right afterward.  This will be the last monthly check-up.  After tomorrow, we go to the doctor right around every 2 weeks, and then very soon it will be once a week until Baby makes his/her appearance.  And I'll probably have an ultrasound somewhere in between to see if the placenta has moved up enough.  We'll see what the OB says tomorrow.  Tuesday will be back to work for Chris (boo!), and Friday will be the baby shower that 4 of us from the embassy will share.  I don't know any of the other pregnant ladies, so I'm looking forward to meeting other expectant mommies.

I will try to remember to take a bump photo tomorrow before we head to the doctor's.  Until then :-)

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