Sunday, January 23, 2011

29 Weeks!

Here's the highlights:

Size of baby: according to the The Bump, we have graduated to squash, though it shows a picture of a pumpkin (which I realize is a squash, but who thinks of a pumpkin when you  hear squash?) .... very weird to us, but in terms of measurements, it says that baby is around 15 inches long and weighs between 2.5 to 3.5 pounds.  No wonder my belly is really starting to feel heavy!
Movement: pretty active lately, and Baby discovered its own personal jungle gym this week - aka my rib cage.  S/He really likes the right side of my ribs.  I wouldn't call it painful (for now), but it can get pretty uncomfortable.
Food cravings: nothing really, though last night all of a sudden I really wanted some ice cream with peanut butter topping.  Don't know if that really counts though.  I've mostly just been hungry - the norm..... though I just realized I've been extra into tangerines lately.
What I miss: nothing much this week, just feeling fit maybe?  I'm feeling the heaviness of this extra weight, especially when walking up 10 stairs leaves me a bit breathless.
Sleep: on and off.... I'm starting to wake up in the early morning hours and I spend a while tossing and turning.
Symptoms: still the belly stretching, and also heartburn/reflux has come back a bit.  Probably because most of my guts are squished up in my chest right now.
Best moment this week: NOT completely wiping out on Friday on our attempted drive to Syracuse.  I say "attempted" because that's all it was - the roads were so bad we decided just to turn around and forget the trip.
What I am looking forward to: making progress on the nursery

Nothing really exciting to report this week, though its been VERY cold here!  Right now, the wind chill is MINUS 36.  Yikes!  Needless to say, we aren't going out today.  Monday through Thursday were pretty typical days here.  On Friday, Chris had a check-up with the allergist, so we went to that appointment in Watertown, took care of a few errands there, and had intended to drive down to Syracuse to pick up the stroller/car seat system we bought a little while ago.  We thought we were going to get lucky and escape the bad weather that was forecast to arrive.  The weather itself didn't even seem so bad, but we had gotten just a about 10-20 minutes outside of Watertown and we started seeing cars that had gone off the road.  I realized that we were near the area that we had gone off the road back in December.  We started slipping and sliding, and I thought for sure we were going into the guardrail.  THANK GOD all we did was spin almost full-circle and that the cars behind us were being proactive.  We were really shaken up and decided that we were not taking any chances, and we got off at the next exit to turn around.  All week I had been praying for safety for the day, and we were given that.  We just weren't meant to go to Syracuse that day.  Oh well.  We did at least get to pick up our crib mattress in Ogdensburg that evening, and our bedding should be in this week.

Yesterday we really didn't do anything except run a few errands here.  Its been so super cold here that the thought of being outside is just horrendous.  I've still been feeling pretty good, though the heartburn is a bit uncomfortable at times, as are the times that the baby starts jabbing my ribs.  All in all, I don't really have anything to complain about.  I also feel like I have that first-trimester exhaustion again.  Yesterday we barely did anything and I could not stay away on the couch in the early evening.  I've still been making it to the gym, but "good" workouts are hit or miss these days.  For example, on Monday, I had a such a great workout - I made it through my 40 minutes on the elliptical feeling like I could keep going.  These days, that's a great workout.  The other couple of days this week were very slow-going in the gym and left me super exhausted, but I guess that's probably normal given I'm almost 7 months now.  I'm grateful for any exercise I'm still able to get though.

Not much going on this week, except Friday I have my 30-week appointment (well, I'll be just shy of 30 weeks anyway).  I also have blood work and the follow-up ultrasound that day, so it will be fun to get another peek at our baby, probably the last time we will see him/her until D-Day.  I can't believe we are down to about 11 weeks to go, maybe even less!  With it being our first, I'd more expect the baby to be late than early, but early could happen.  Pretty soon we will have our hospital bag packed for just in case.... crazy.

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