Sunday, January 2, 2011

26 Weeks!

 Here are the highlights:

Size of baby: according to the The Bump, still eggplant..... but I read that the baby weighs about 2 pounds now, so at least I can attribute some weight to him/her!
Maternity clothes: still fitting well.... got some jeans this week that don't smash my bladder and they are sooo comfy.
Movement: mainly when I lay on my side at night, but pretty frequently all around
Food cravings: still completely in love with my bowl of Special K, blueberries, and bananas
What I miss: SLEEP
Sleep: nonexistent right now
Symptoms: just a growing belly and pregnancy insomnia
Best moment this week: a few..... Liza, John, and Harley coming to visit.... buying some baby clothes..... realizing that as of yesterday, we are in double digits as far as our baby countdown (98 days til D-Day as of today)
What I am looking forward to: our own bed and getting the nursery set up

Its been another fun week, but I am more tired than I think I have ever been in my life.  And it doesn't seem to matter how tired I am when I go to bed, because I still manage to just lay there for at least an hour before falling asleep.  Then I wake up around 4 or 5 and let Bailie outside, and then I am awake for another 2 hours before falling back to sleep.  Of course, I'd rather be pregnant and getting no sleep than getting lots of sleep and not be pregnant.  But still sleep would be nice.

This week Chris and I had some Kohl's cash to use and since we don't really need anything for ourselves, we basically got $50 worth of "free" baby clothes.  We had a lot of fun picking out cute little things.  Its still surreal to think that a little person is going to be wearing those things before we know it.  Sometimes when I can't sleep, I start thinking of everything we still have to do, and its kind of overwhelming.

Liza, John, and Harley made a "surprise" appearance on Tuesday this week.  I say "surprise" because we were all speculating that they might make the drive, but we couldn't nail the day they were coming.  Its been really fun getting to see them, and of course with Liza here we have been eating VERY well.  I can't believe that they leave to go home tomorrow and that they have already been here for a week.

Its been COLD here.  This morning it was 34 degrees.  34!  In Ottawa, it was 32 this morning.  Not right, not fair, just awful.  We left Canada to be warm for the holidays, not as cold.  And we even saw a few FLURRIES this week.  Ugh.  Yes it could be way worse, there could be actual snow on the ground, but still.  Not loving this surprise cold spell.  Last year Chris and I were in shorts nearly every day, but not so much right now.

This week will be a quiet week with everyone going home or back to work.  Chris and I will be doing some baby shopping, and then packing up Thursday night for our flight home on Friday morning.  I'm not sure how Bailie will feel about leaving her very spoiled Arizona life.  But, maybe she will get to come next year, we'll see.  Next post (and the beginning of the last trimester, my goodness) will be from freezing cold Canada.

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