Sunday, February 27, 2011

34 Weeks!

We are at 42 days to go (tentatively)!  Wow!  This week's highlights....

Size of baby: according to our ultrasound on Friday, about 4 pounds, plus or minus 1
Movement: lots.... sometimes a bit painful
Food cravings: I really wanted ice cream this week
What I miss: not peeing all the time .... feeling attractive.... my skin looks worse than when I was in high school
Sleep: not.  getting.  better.
Symptoms: the same - so tired, but no sleep, a belly I feel like I need to carry with my arms, and some heartburn/reflux.... and oh yeah.... peeing.  ALL. THE. TIME.
Best moment this week: Friday's ultrasound and doctor's appointment - a relief!
What I am looking forward to: this won't be changing from here on out - everything.  Getting our baby here and being a family.... hearing the doctor say, "it's a ____!".... and seeing the look on Chris's face when he gets to hold him/her for the first time...... right before we got married, I asked Chris what was one thing he was looking forward to about being married, and he said, without hesitation, "having my own family."  I will never forget that, and am so happy that I get to be the one to give him that.

I can't believe I'm 34 weeks pregnant.  Its really crunch time!  This week was pretty uneventful leading up to Friday's appointments.  I was a little nervous going to the ultrasound.  At my last appointment 3 weeks ago, when the OB measured my belly, she said that I was a little small, so she would order a growth scan to make sure everything was fine.  She said she wasn't worried about it, but we would take a look to check.  I managed not to worry too much, just made sure to keep up my fluid and protein intake.  A lot of factors can influence your belly measurement other than a problem with the baby.  As it turns out, I am just a small-bellied pregnant girl.  All of the measurements indicated that Baby is right where s/he needs to be, and my fluid level was great. (So IN YOUR FACE to the guy who told me last weekend, that I looked like I was about to pop!).  Apparently my belly is only about the size of someone around 27 weeks, but with the baby looking perfectly healthy, I am more than fine with that!  I'm just now getting to that uncomfortable stage, and I can only imagine what it would feel like if I added 7 more centimeters to this belly.  We were told that our baby weighs around 4 pounds, but that could be off a pound in either direction, but either way, our doctor said that everything is great, so much so that she is letting me wait 2 weeks for my next appointment instead of coming in next week already.  Although, after the next appointment, we will begin weekly appointments until D-Day.  She also said that she would not let me go more than a week past due before we talk induction, which means that we will for sure have a baby before Easter - crazy! .... though, I am hoping this baby decides to come on his or her own and that I don't need to be induced.

When we were having the ultrasound, the tech tried to get some face shots in 4D of the baby.... we told him that more than likely, the kid wouldn't cooperate, and guess what - we were VERY right.  We could see a hand and that was about it.  What made me laugh though (and feel super good, not gonna lie!) was when the tech called me skinny.  He said that I am the perfect pregnant body type for 3D and 4D views - great fluid, skinny, baby in perfect position - hey, I feel bigger and bigger every day, and that was a great comment to get.  And side note - at least for now, baby is head down, not breech.  But, as our OB said, we'll worry more with that when I'm 37 weeks.

So that was Friday.  It was kind of a nasty day, but it was great to see how much better the car handled with good, NOT bald tires.  We did a little grocery shopping and came home.  Then Saturday night, we went out with some friends from Chris's work to a pub we went to last summer when a night out was planned in honor or our upcoming wedding.  Most of the group is pretty nice, but some are just flat out strange, including the guy who is the ONLY person I have ever heard Chris make a negative comment toward (and by negative comment, I mean he probably only said that he finds him obnoxious.  Chris never says mean things.).  Chris likes everyone! .... Except this guy, so there's definitely something wrong with him.  He asked me if the baby was kicking, saying, "has it started kicking yet?  I wanna feel it."  He didn't actually try to feel anything, but all I could think was - try, just try and see what happens.  All the while, Chris is laughing at the thought of this guy trying to feel our baby, knowing full well I would have knocked the guy out.  Ahhhh.... some people.  After dinner, everyone else headed out for more drinking, and we of course came home.... and crashed.

We spent a bit of today putting together our baby swing, attaching the wheels to the stroller, and washing baby items.  Here's a picture of the swing all finished, with our baby giraffe strapped in:

I strapped the stuffed giraffe in because I was confused at first how a couple of straps worked.... plus it looks super cute in there.  And here is Ms. Drama Queen Neglect herself after we got done doing this:

That's one of "her" spots - a corner on the back wall of our living room.  As the baby stuff piles up, the more depressed she acts sometimes.  We try to make sure we give her extra attention, but we can tell that she knows things are changing.  She refused to eat one evening when we had brought home a handful of baby items.  It took Chris sitting down with her, some coaxing, and more sitting as she ate to get her to eat.  That's how I know he'll be a great dad - he cares enough about the dog to practically hand feed her.  And he's slowly gotten her to play more.  Its so funny and cute to watch the two of them.  Bailie was definitely more mine when we first got her..... she is 100% Chris's girl now.  But its sweet.  We also moved our pack-n-play to the bedroom so that Bailie can get used to it being in there.  Its extra strange to think that we'll actually be using it very soon.

That's about it for now.  As if they weren't before, things are REALLY coming quickly now.  After tomorrow, we will be able to use the words "next month" when referring to our future baby.  Wow.

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