Sunday, February 20, 2011

33 Weeks!

We are officially under 50 days to go!  Wow!  This week's highlights....

Size of baby: my pregnancy book says that the average length is around 16 inches long (head to toe measurement) and average weight is about 3.7 pounds.
Movement: baby is constantly rolling all around..... I'm convinced the baby's been transverse a lot because so many times I can feel s/he on both sides at the same time
Food cravings: no cravings to report.... eating very much in general is getting pretty uncomfortable
What I miss: walking and breathing like a normal person
Sleep: still sucks
Symptoms: so tired, but no sleep, a belly I feel like I need to carry with my arms, and some heartburn/reflux.... and oh yeah.... peeing.  ALL. THE. TIME.
Best moment this week: Valentine's Day.... Chris's face was really sweet looking at his football buddy onesie.  I love seeing him get excited about our baby
What I am looking forward to: this won't be changing from here on out - everything.  Getting our baby here and being a family.... hearing the doctor say, "it's a ____!".... and seeing the look on Chris's face when he gets to hold him/her for the first time......

Another fairly uneventful week for us, which is fine because all of that will be changing VERY soon!  We had a low-key Valentine's evening consisting of one of Chris's now-favorite meals (homemade chicken strips) and of course, his favorite dessert, chocolate peanut butter pie.  On Wednesday, Bailie's old foster mom, Nadine, came to visit.  She is such a sweet lady, and I love having her over.  Bailie was so excited to see her.

On Thursday night, we took Bailie over to Carole's, our go-to pet sitter, so that we could leave on Friday to spend the night in Watertown to take of some errands.  The weather finally allowed us to get down to Syracuse so we could pick up our baby swing from Babies R Us.  Then Saturday we took our car over to the Kia dealership for its 60K miles check.  Everything was mostly fine, but we learned exactly why we've been sliding all over the road this winter - apparently, when your tires are "very nearly bald" as it was put to us, you get no traction!  It was pretty terrifying to hear that our tires were in such a horrendous condition, but at the same time, it explained all of our spin-outs.  As soon as we heard this, Chris called a car care center that we've used before (that would also be cheaper than the dealership prices) to see if they had the tires he wanted and if we could get in the same day.  THANK GOD this place was able to get us in, and we now have MUCH safer tires.  It scared me so much to think of us driving around on those tires, but at the same time, it made me SO very grateful to God that He has TRULY been watching over us and keeping us safe.  There is no other explanation.  So even though it was a much more expensive day than anticipated, it was a HUGE blessing.

The rest of the day was spent doing a little baby shopping.  I feel so lost right now when it comes to how many of various items we need.  I wish there was some special way of calculating just how many onesies, sleepers, blankets, etc that we need.  Plus, it makes it even harder because we know the kid's not going to wear things for very long in the beginning months anyway, so we find ourselves being kind of cheap when it comes to a lot of these items.

I got 2 comments yesterday that I have not yet received.  When we were getting our new tires, the guy there was like, "wow you look like you're about to pop!  When are you due?  Oh, April?  Yeah, I don't think you're going to make it that far."  I wanted to say, actually, my doctor says I'm considered small for this stage of pregnancy, so thanks for that reminder, and also do you think I want to "not make it" to April?  ...... but, this was the guy making our car safer, so I really didn't care.  He could have said whatever he wanted.  It actually made me laugh because I know for a fact that I'm not big for 33 weeks, and the majority of first time babies come, on average, at 41 weeks and 3 days.

We got home at a fairly reasonable time last night, around 10:15.  Carole kept Bailie for an extra night for us for free because she wasn't going to be home when we thought we'd be back, which worked out so perfectly since we ended up needing to do the extra car stuff.  We were both able to sleep in pretty late (without Bailie waking either of us at her usual times).

In general, I'm still feeling pretty good.  I'm still very tired, yet unable to sleep, but I'm sure that's pretty normal.  My appetite's been pretty insatiable during the last few days, which makes me think Baby's been going through a growth spurt.  I've definitely learned that I have to watch how much I eat in one sitting though because if I get full, it's really uncomfortable.  And if I have to walk around after being full (like going to Babies R Us after dinner on Friday), its extra uncomfortable.  But overall, pregnancy's still being pretty good to me.  I made it to the gym 4 times this week.  I didn't go Wednesday because I was just horribly tired, the kind of tired that you can't fight through, at least when pregnant anyway.  The other days were decent.  It doesn't take much anymore to cause a spike in my heartrate when exercising, so I have found that I have to slow down even more.  It takes right at 45 minutes for me to do 3 miles on the elliptical.  I always make my goal 2 miles, knowing that if I make it there, I can generally do the third one.  It is such a far cry from what I was doing pre-pregnancy, but I'm grateful to be able to do anything right now.  I have to remind myself that there are plenty of women with various issues that prevent them from doing even what I am right now, so I have nothing to complain about.  I would much prefer being limited to my current activity level than limited to nothing at all.  Fortunately, I haven't noticed any more BH contractions while working out.

Tomorrow is President's Day, which is awesome because it means Chris will be home with us.  Then Friday we have our next appointment at 1 to see our baby, and then we go for our regular doctor's appointment right after.  I will post a bump picture sometime later this week.  Until then...

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