Sunday, February 13, 2011

32 Weeks!

OH MY GOSH, I'm 32 weeks!!! ......... Here's the highlights:

Size of baby: my pregnancy book still says that the average length is 15 inches long (head to toe measurement) and average weight is about 3 pounds.  Still feels like the heaviest 3 pounds of my life.
Movement: baby is constantly rolling all around..... this morning it felt like a ball in my belly just rolling from side to side
Food cravings: no cravings to report 
What I miss: other than feeling skinny, not having to pee a zillion times
Sleep: one word: awful.  I had 2 good nights of sleep in the last couple of weeks, but that's it.  I guess its just my body prepping me for a lifetime of no sleep.
Symptoms: no sleep, a belly I feel like I need to carry with my arms, and some heartburn/reflux
Best moment this week: Chris seeing my belly jump... he has seen little spasms here and there, but one night this week, he saw a big jump and the look on his face was hilarious!  It was very alien to him I think, but so funny.
What I am looking forward to: this won't be changing from here on out - everything.  Getting our baby here and being a family.... hearing the doctor say, "it's a ____!".... and seeing the look on Chris's face when he gets to hold him/her for the first time...... and for this week, our one and only Valentines as a married couple, just the two of us

Not a lot going on this week.  I can't believe I am 32 weeks pregnant.  This time last year, Chris was working a few weekends, it was cold but not too snowy, and I was still running like a crazy person.  Its funny to compare now to only a year ago.

It was a good week, though I witnessed a really rude pregnancy/baby comment.  On Tuesday, I went to an events planning meeting with a bunch of ladies from the Embassy.  I was talking to a friend of mine here who is also pregnant, about 3 weeks behind me.  A lady I hadn't seen since I was 13 weeks started talking to us, and was making guesses as to what each of us are having.  Then she added, directed at my friend, "...and a BIG baby for you!"  I'm sure she said this with the logic that if you're a bigger person, that automatically equals a bigger baby.  This girl has not even gained 10 pounds, whereas I have gained, let's just say, more than 10 pounds.  I was in shock for her, but she handled it really well.  I felt awful for her though because I know she's had some complications, had to be on bedrest for a while, and has to be extra careful in general, more so than say, someone like me, who has had a very low-risk pregnancy.   Then I felt really angry for her because it does NOT matter what your intention was with a comment like that, you do NOT say something like that to a pregnant woman!

I think I've been pretty good about letting things roll off my back, but I'm not going to lie, it really hurts when someone says something to you other than, you look wonderful!  Some of my comments have included: you're looking pretty porky (yes, porky.  I could have cried.), I think you're bigger than I was at that many weeks, wow that's going to make you gain at least 10 pounds (as I'm about to eat my dinner), and quite a handful of my own "you're baby's going to be huge" comments.  The huge baby comments really hurt my feelings because I know that the people who have said them did so because they know that I'm no small-appetite girl.  Guess what, people, that does not make it okay to say.  My doctor says my weight gain is perfect (no matter how much I don't like it), and that everything I've done in this pregnancy as far as diet and exercise is great.  Comments like these make me really, really self-conscious to eat in front of anyone other than Chris, and I haven't felt like that since the days of purposely starving myself when I was in undergrad.  So thanks for that.

So, all of that to say, I think most people know what is not okay to say to a pregnant woman, but to be on the safe side, even if you don't mean it, just tell them they look awesome!  The other day on my way to the gym, I stopped in to see a woman at the Embassy, who always make me feel so good because she tells me I look wonderful even when I feel like I look awful.  Not only was I in gym clothes, but my face these days is so washed out with makeup, and my skin is broken out in a way I've never experienced (I was always one of the lucky ones in high school who rarely had a pimple).  She told me I was glowing and looked wonderful, and all I could think when I looked in the mirror was, I look like garbage!  But she is very sweet to say that.

Okay, off my soapbox.  That comment this week to my friend just really aggravated me, and made me think of all the snarky things I'd like to say back to people who say things like that.

On Friday night, we went out for Mexican food for an early Valentine's dinner.  We had never been to this restaurant, and while the food was good, it was weird.  I got a veggie burrito, and when I see "grilled vegetables" in a burrito, I think of peppers, onions, etc.... you know, normal burrito ingredients.... My burrito had broccoli and green beans in it!  It tasted surprisingly good, but I just thought that was bizarre.  Maybe its just a Canadian thing.

I spent a portion of yesterday baking some heart cookie pops for the Embassy bake sale tomorrow, and then Chris and I got out to shop for some new dining room furniture, something we'd like to have before our baby comes.  It was nice just to get out of the house.  Today I'll be decorating cookies, and we'll probably just be lounging around.  Not sure what Chris will do without football, haha.  Other than not sleeping, I've been feeling good, and don't have any real complaints.  Although, I noticed something funny last night.  I was getting dressed after a shower, and after I got my t-shirt on, I noticed that a little section of belly now goes uncovered.  I'll probably be stealing some of Chris's shirts soon......

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