Sunday, December 26, 2010

25 Weeks!

25-week highlights......

Size of baby: according to the The Bump, eggplant..... I'm starting to think this website is completely bogus.  Today I read on it that if Chris were to put his ear to my belly, he might pick up our baby's heartbeat..... yeah, I don't think so.  That's what they use fetal dopplars for.  Jeez.
Maternity clothes: still fitting well.... I learned this week that I don't like the short panel jeans as my belly gets bigger because they just end up digging into my bladder, which is already uncomfortable.
Movement: mostly big jumps now, and I can frequently SEE my belly move now.  Also sometimes it feels like I have a little swimmer in there.
Food cravings: BLUEBERRIES!!!  And bananas.  The best is blueberries, a banana, and a bowl of Special K all mixed up.... by far my favorite meal right now.  I could eat that and nothing else and be happy right now
What I miss: sleep..... I love being in Arizona, but I do miss our bed..... also not being completely exhausted after 20 minutes of exercise.  I think I'm in the beginning stages of having to accept that my gym routine is going to need another modification very soon.  I definitely miss energy.  And I already miss my belly button ring.  Last night I switched to a pregnancy retainer, and it looks WEIRD.  I haven't actually seen my belly button since I was 18, right before I got the piercing.  Any day now, the snooze button is going to be popping out.
Sleep: see above..... enough said
Symptoms: just a growing belly and pregnancy insomnia
Best moment this week: Christmas of course!
What I am looking forward to: still almost 2 weeks of lovely weather before returning to the Great White North... also my baby shower in January

It was a really nice week here.  Looking back over it, I don't feel like we did as much for how tired I have been all week (except for Christmas Eve and Christmas).  We mostly just went to the gym and did a little bit of shopping.  Christmas Eve was a nice night.  We went to church that evening, and then several family members and friends of Chris's parents came over for a late evening.  There was lots of food.  I made pumpkin scones and the famous pork-on-pork, plus we had delicious meatballs, brownies, Special K bars (kind of like rice crispy treats, but WAY better), and other things.  No one went hungry that night.  Here's a few pictures from Christmas Eve:

Chris, me, & Jeff

There's no denying that belly poking out there!

.....and the family

For Christmas Day, we got up and watched one of my favorite Christmas movies, Elf.  Then we opened up presents.  Bailie was very happy as we gave her a Kong toy full of peanut butter.  Actually, Bailie's been happy EVERY day.  Here are a couple of pictures from Christmas morning...

Chris's present from me, Baby, and Bailie - a remote-controlled camouflage helicopter

"the baby's present to us" - super cute footie pjs with dog feet - we call them Bailie feet

baby's present to Uncle Jeff
After presents, we drove down to Chris's uncle and aunt's house for a super delicious meal - turkey, ham, gravy, mashed potatoes, some kind of sweet potato casserole that was AWESOME, plus lots more.  I personally sampled everything, so I can attest to how fantastic it was.  That was also a day of no one going hungry.  We got back home maybe around 8:30 or 9 in the evening and we were all exhausted, including Bailie.  She had a very big day of being around several small dogs, and getting LOTS of attention and LOTS of turkey.  I would bet that she ate more turkey than I did yesterday!

We still have almost 2 weeks of being here, which is awesome, but at the same time, its crazy to think that we have less than a week before our countdown to baby reaches the double-digits.  On this Saturday, we will reach the 99-day mark.  We still have so much to do.  I really still cannot wrap my head around the fact that there is going to a little PERSON with us in just over 3 months.  It seems like we were JUST here, not married, and I was meeting everyone for the first time.  Fast forward one year and we've gotten married and are trying our best to get our lives ready for a BABY.  While we could not be happier or more excited, it's still a scary thing.  But I know it is only the beginning of so much fun, and I can't wait.

Bump photo to come tomorrow when I'm not in my PJs. :-)

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