Monday, December 20, 2010

24 week bump photo.....

That baby bump is definitely only getting bigger!  And yesterday morning, when we were sitting in church, I could SEE my belly jumping!  That was pretty crazy, but very cool.

Last night we went to the Star of Wonder Christmas program that Brad's girlfriend Lisa was so sweet to get everyone tickets to.  We were in the very front section (with an aisle seat for me, my bladder thanks Lisa!!), and I think we were all expecting a little Nativity story, but it was a lot more than that.  By far the best part was when the animals came out, including the kangaroo and the elephant!  And then when I was about 2 feet from the camels as they walked by..... that was pretty amazing (although in the back of my mind I was thinking, please don't fall on me like that camel in Florida!).  Also, the part when the GIs deployed and had a dance battle with the toy soldiers was pretty fun to watch.  It was a fun evening, but I was very tired at the end.  We stayed up really late to watch the Survivor finale afterward..... well, I slept on the couch while Chris, Cindy, and Jim watched the finale, haha.

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