Sunday, October 3, 2010

We're 13 weeks and we are having a peach!

Today is our first day in the teens in our count toward Olive's arrival.  In terms of days, we are at day 91.  We are basically one third of the way there, which I cannot even begin to comprehend.  Just now Chris asked me where to put one of our ultrasound photos and I told him to put it "with the baby stuff."  Baby stuff?!  A year ago we were still unpacking, and now we have a room reserved for baby stuff.  It's amazing how fast a year can go.  The leaves are turning here and it definitely looks like fall now.  Soon there will be no leaves.  Here's our weekly highlights:

Size of baby: peach
Total weight gain/loss: um.... we are actually done discussing this one
Maternity clothes: I broke out the jeans on Friday and oh my gosh they are sooooo comfy!
Movement: from what I've read, as early as 3 more weeks, but more likely to be 5 or more weeks away, so maybe by cruise time, when I'm 18 weeks, Olive will be moving around for us to feel!
Food cravings: chocolate milk - I actually think my appetite is settling just the SLIGHTEST.... I try not to say that too often because I usually jinx myself
What I miss: just my body this week.  I saw a picture from the week before the wedding of me in a bikini and yeah...... I won't be looking like that again for a LONG time
Sleep: good nights and bad nights, I get hot and then I get cold, still have to get up for the bathroom several times
Symptoms: don't really have anything to complain about, though if I eat too big of a meal, the heartburn flares a bit
Best moment this week: seeing Olive again, even though seeing him/her was the result of a little stress, luckily all is GREAT! ... also when Chris said that if anyone ever asks where my baking started, we will show them a picture of our mini fridge, little freezer, and storage shelf, where most of my extra supplies are kept in the basement.  Humble beginnings!
What I am looking forward to: my small catering gig this week and hopefully impressing the right people (I'm making apple turnovers and a family favorite - pumpkin scones!)

We spent Friday 2 hours away in Watertown.  Chris had a dentist appointment and we desperately needed to do some grocery shopping.  I got to pick up some more fun kitchen toys from Bed Bath and Beyond, including a food processor, mini tart pans, and a cookie press, all of which I can't wait to use.  I also picked up a bathing suit, a pair of shorts, and 2 dresses for the cruise, so I am all set now I think.  I'm so excited for the cruise - only about 6 more weeks away!  It will be my first cruise, and I can't wait to order room service just because I can.... it will be great!

Overall, I felt pretty great this week, especially after getting to see Olive moving around on the ultrasound.  I have had a LOT more energy this week, and even got into the gym twice.  I'm so happy to be getting back into that habit.  I'm planning to go 3-4 times a week now.  The 2 times I made it in this past week were so great.  I felt like my old self, even with keeping the workout to 30 minutes and scaled back quite a bit compared to the way I used to work out.  Now I just break a little sweat, whereas I used to come out looking like I showered in my gym clothes.  Gross, but what a glorious feeling!  I really miss running the way you miss a best friend, but I will stick to low-impact to keep my back from hurting.

Since today is Sunday, Chris will be watching football all day of course, which means I think I will spend the day in the kitchen.  I'm really motivated to try making petit fours, something I've never done, but the little cakes are just so pretty, I would love to give it a try.  Plus I haven't baked in weeks.... its time to get back in there!  It will also be a good test for the chef mat I got a couple of weeks ago.  Hopefully it helps ease the back pain I usually get from standing in the kitchen too much.

I will post a bump picture on Tuesday.  For now, it's time to get into the kitchen.  If my little cakes turn out, I'll post a picture of them.


  1. Hi Olive,
    Hope you are doing well in mommy's tummy. I bet you are all curled up and really cozy and safe. Wait until April and you pop out into this wild and crazy world. Your going to want to go back in but don't fret. You have the most wonderful mommy and daddy you could ever ask for and don't let me get started on your grandparents. Let me just say you will never be deprived of attention. You will be far away but i will be able to see through skype anytime I want. You are also lucky to have a best friend already. Your dog Bailie. You can always count on her to protect you and play with you. For now grow healthy and strong and don't make mommy to tired. Oh i forgot to tell you Daddy is the kind of guy who doesn't show his emotioms much but just so you know he loves you with all of his heart and you are the best thing in his life next to mommy. Talk to you soon.
    Grandma CC

  2. Precious Olive,
    Grandma loves looking at the picture of you in mommy. Yesterday, I was shopping and already planning for all the things grandma wants to get you. Your mommy and daddy are not shopping for you as of yet because, they know that your grandparent’s plus great grandparent’s will go wild making sure you have all you need to be warm and cozy. Grandma is looking forward to holding you and giving all those grandma kisses that we grandmas’ do. I love sweetie.
