Tuesday, October 5, 2010

13 Week Photo!

Here it is, as promised!

It's funny, I actually feel like I look smaller at 13 weeks than I did between 10-12.  I think its just that the bloat is going away and I'm settling into a little baby bump.  It probably also helps that I've got the energy to get back into the gym, and I have really been better with keeping my eating on track - though I'm still starving at least every 2 hours!


  1. Honey, I think you look beautiful. I love you and Olive very much.

  2. I love your little baby bump. You are such a cute mom to be. I hope Olive is behaving herself. You will be on my mind all day tomorrow. I pray everything will go smoothly for you. I work this Friday so will not be able to call you. They are short on teachers and needed my help. I hope Jeff can help Chris set up your computer so we can talk face to face.

    Love to all,
