Sunday, April 3, 2011

39 Weeks!

T minus 7 days until the (estimated) D-Day.....

Size of baby: according to the growth scan on Friday, anywhere from 6-8 pounds
Movement: I have read and been told that movement really slows in the last several weeks, but this baby still moves just as much as s/he ever has
Food cravings: still loving my English muffins with peanut butter and honey
What I miss: back to hard workouts on this one..... I miss running hard and racing, especially with the big race weekend coming up next month
Sleep: I've had a couple of pretty decent nights of sleep these past few days, but earlier in the week was awful
Symptoms: other than sleep issues and sciatica, not much else.  Very little reflux and I can breathe better, so I'll take it.
Best moment this week: there are 2 - our growth scan on Friday, and the lunch that followed. 
What I am looking forward to: having a baby!!!  Chris and I are both so ready to know which we have, a son or a daughter.

This week was normal (I may not be able to say that much more), though I was very tired.  Monday and Tuesday night were awful for sleep, but as the week went by, things got a little better.  I've actually felt really good overall in the past couple of days, which makes me think its just the calm before the storm!  But hey, that's fine.  Any decent night of sleep for now is a great night of sleep!

All week I really thought that we would be having a baby this past Friday.  I told Chris that we needed to be ready.  But then we talked about it on Thursday night and neither of us felt that way anymore, and I felt that way even less on Friday morning when my appointments had to get shifted around.  I was mostly nervous for the ultrasound because I was afraid we would find out that the baby hadn't grown enough since the last scan, meaning s/he would need to come out that day for sure.  Since around 31 or 32 weeks, my belly has consistently measured several weeks behind, which is the reason for each of the last 2 ultrasounds.  Thankfully, the baby looked great and everything was measuring exactly where it should be.  Baby was also still head down which was equally great news.  While babies can still flip at this point, it is statistically unlikely, so I was glad to see that.  My weight and blood pressure are still just fine, so those were pluses too.  My next appointment is for this Friday at 2:30.... you know, unless the kid wants to make an appearance before then, which would be okay with us, but, in case you're wondering, nope, there are no signs as of yet that that might be happening, other than the fact that my due date is a week away.

I know a lot of people would not want their child to have an April Fool's birthday, but it was kind of a special day to us.  A year ago Friday we got officially engaged.  That night we had dinner at the Melting Pot in Hershey, PA..... there's definitely no Melting Pot here (closest is in Buffalo, NY), but Chris found a place a few minutes from the hospital, the Lobster House.  I kept asking him where he wanted to go for lunch (figuring it would be an Arby's day), and finally he made the face he makes when he has a surprise but doesn't want me to know yet (it's a really cute face).  So I shut up.  We both ate steak, lobster, and shrimp for lunch that day, and shared a molten chocolate lava cake that was delicious!  This is where I will be sending Chris for my first post-partum meal.  It was so good.  I wish I was eating it right now.  So I got a special lunch on Friday, and yesterday I made Chris one of his favorite desserts, red velvet cake.  The last time I made it I was in the early weeks of being pregnant and overnight I went from really liking it to being completely repulsed by it, so its been quite a while since he's gotten to have it.

Since there's really nothing else to report, as we are just in wait-and-see mode, I should take this time to publicly say that Chris should get the best gold star award available for how he has handled pregnancy.  Pregnancy is generally all about the mom and baby, and the father is a bystander.  BUT, I could not have gone through this with anyone else, nor would I want to.  Pretty much anything I have wanted, he has provided.  When I called him at work to tell him that I NEEDED that cheeseburger, he came home with a double.  When I needed those sweet potato fries and the first restaurant was out of them, he went elsewhere to find them.  When Dairy Queen a block away was out of the ONE thing I wanted, he drove further to go to another one.  When I was 14 weeks, sick (not morning sickness, cold sickness), and ALL I wanted was apple cinnamon tea, he went all over the place to find it (to 4 different places I'm thinking)..... At 8 weeks, when we got to see our little bean-sized baby for the very first time, as we drove away from the hospital and I saw the tear rolling down his face..... yeah, that was a good moment.  No matter what has happened in these last 9 months, Chris has been wonderful.  And while I have had an extremely easy pregnancy, I KNOW that there are plenty of times during which I have been no peach (most meltdowns involved food, but not all).  I have had to accept Chris's biggest fault - he can't read my mind.  So unfair.  And one of my biggest faults is that I always find myself expecting him to read my mind (you'd think that they teach them that in spy school, but no).  He has always come through for me and never let me down, and I know he will be a great father.  I am thankful for everyday that we have had together in our lives so far, and I know just how blessed I am to have him as a husband.

That's about it for now.  I personally would be happy if this were my last real blog post (except for the bump photo that I will probably have on Tuesday), but we'll see.  Once we have the baby, I'm not planning on doing the blog anymore.  Instead, we will probably set up a Flickr account (or something) so that we can share photos en masse.  For anyone wondering, the plan for when we do have the baby is 2 phone calls initially - my mom and Chris's mom.  We'll start there and then make more phone calls as time and energy allows while we're in the hospital.  So until then or next Sunday........

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