Sunday, March 27, 2011

38 Weeks!

Size of baby: probably anywhere from 5 to 7 pounds, we'll find out another estimate this Friday
Movement: Still tons, which I love.  I'm not sure you can actually see it, but I think I feel like the baby is dropping down a bit because I didn't have the pressure in my lungs these last few days, and my reflux hasn't been so bad the past couple of days, and it was pretty rough earlier in the week
Food cravings: I said last week that if I could eat peanut butter and honey on an English muffin for all 3 meals, I would..... well, it's been breakfast and lunch most days this week.  It was the only thing that wasn't giving me awful reflux earlier in the week.  I had it for dinner one night when I knew there was no way I could eat tacos with Chris.
What I miss: not having back pain and pregnant lady walk.... and I am not ashamed to admit that I am looking forward to a good stiff drink!
Sleep: I at least got one good night of sleep this week.  My OB gave me the okay on some sleep meds and I wish I would have asked her months ago, especially at Christmas.
Symptoms: horrendous reflux earlier in the week that seems to have let up in the last 2 days (thank you, God), and sciatic pain on my right side... its like sciatica mixed with ITBS (illiotibial band syndrome, something runners get).  When I used to run like a mad woman, I had ITBS in my left knee that could be very painful.... that's nothing compared to mixing it with a little sciatica - talk about something that stops you dead in your tracks!
Best moment this week: really enjoyed the pre-admission and hospital appointments on Thursday, especially because Chris was just as involved as I was, and that is something that is very reassuring.  He will probably never know how much it has meant to me that he has been there for EVERY aspect of pregnancy.
What I am looking forward to: this won't be changing from here on out - everything.  Getting our baby here and being a family.... hearing the doctor say, "it's a ____!".... and seeing the look on Chris's face when he gets to hold him/her for the first time

This week felt like it went by really quickly, though I definitely feel like, physically, I am really slowing down.  I am getting to the actual gym less, and opting for walking Bailie more.  Monday was a gym day..... and that was it.  On Tuesday I got together with some Embassy ladies to make cards for Operation Write Home.  It was nice just to be out socializing.  Wednesday was a homebound day by default, as we had someone coming to fix a part on our dishwasher door.  Thursday was my weekly OB appointment, which was probably the fastest one yet.  Everything was routine as usual, and I weighed half a pound less!  That half pound can probably be attributed to normal weight fluctuation, but I'll take it!  Afterward we went over to the hospital for our maternity stuff.  On Friday we took Bailie down to a vet in Ogdensburg to get her shots updated (she was good, but was hating life at that point), and this weekend, we have just been lazy as usual for a Saturday and Sunday.

The pre-admission portion of the appointment was mostly just going through paperwork - things we would otherwise have to get through once "it's time" and this way we have it taken care of.  Part of me had to laugh because Chris was not allowed to come back for the first portion of this, and at first I couldn't figure out why - I was thinking, uh I wasn't told I was getting some intrusive exam at this appointment!  Then it was very clear.  The nurse has to ask about home life and potential domestic abuse situations.  I laughed when she asked me if I am afraid of Chris, and then I felt bad because I thought, wow, if they have to ask, then there are some women who come in and answer yes, which is awful.  I thought maybe they were going to ask if I was unsure of the baby's father, or something like that, but nope!  Just wanted to know if I'm afraid of Chris.  I think the most heated argument we've ever had was this morning.... over whether or not he was snoring this morning!  (For the record, he was, though he denies it.).  Still makes me laugh.

The rest of the pre-admission went through things like getting the baby's birth certificate, do I have a birth plan (in case you're wondering, I do - it's called Have a Baby in the Safest/Healthiest Way Possible, pretty simple), who will be coming to the hospital with me (just Chris), etc.  Afterward, we had the tour of the maternity ward.  The rooms are quite a decent size, there is a patient kitchenette, private showers in each room, tub with jets, and a pull out sleeper long enough that Chris's feet will not hang off the end.  While in the hospital, Chris will be provided 3 meals a day, and after I have the baby, I get a "menu" to choose from (probably just a menu of hospital food, but it sure sounds nice).  We met a few of the nurses and they all seemed very nice.  It was also nice to learn that on pretty much every paper in our chart it says "they drive far", so the staff knows that we're a little different from people who live just 10 or 20 minutes away.  For example, it's been a baby boom there lately, and they just recently had to double up a room, which they say rarely has to be done.  Chris was (half) joking that if I have to be doubled up (meaning he can't sleep in the room with me), he will just go sleep in the car.  One of the nurses laughed and said she was sure they could "figure something out" for him.  Hopefully it won't be an issue, but it was nice that they seem very accommodating, especially given that home is an hour and a half away.

We left the hospital feeling very glad that we did those 2 appointments.  Now we just wait!  We're so excited to finally meet our baby.  Statistically speaking, first time babies are late more often than early ... but not 100% of the time.  Each day we wonder if today is THE day.  We are both at the point where we feel as ready as we're going to be, and we just want to finally meet the baby.  I wouldn't say that I'm at the point of just being done with pregnancy - I know very well how lucky I am to have had a very easy pregnancy, with only a couple of hiccups that turned out to be nothing.  Once full term status hit, that's when I started to get a bit uncomfortable, but overall I'm still doing really well.  This Friday we have (what should be) our last ultrasound to check weight and position, and our weekly appointment will follow.  I'm so in awe to be rounding out the finish.

I will probably take a bump picture on Tuesday, but for now, here are some nursery photos (I know, finally).... and please enjoy the couple of pictures that include snippets of my toes!

My mom made this one

Chris's mom sent this one

The pattern on the left came from my mom, and the larger pattern on the right came from Chris's mom.... how did both of the grandmothers manage to pick out almost the same blanket patterns?  I don't know, but we love them, and each is just different enough.  We LOVE monkeys!

Pack-n-Play set up in our bedroom, which will be Baby's home until s/he sleeps through the night.

And some random Bailie and Bailie/Chris pictures:
Chris calls this the "face of depression." .... Poor Bailie has been acting a little off, even for her, in the last couple of weeks... it makes me wonder if she'll continue to be extra restless as D-Day approaches

the occasional allowance in the bed.... she never wants to sleep there though, just roll around and get her belly rubbed

she is 100% Chris's girl.... she used to be my dog, not anymore.... :-(


  1. Thanks for the great pictures. Your nursery is adoreable. All it needs now is the little one. Can't believe any day now my son will be a father. You have done a great decorating job. Any baby would want to come home to that cozy nursery. Can't wait to meet you Baby P.

    Love Grandma Cindy

  2. I love the nursery .. very cute!! ...and when you're ready, let me know, I can help you out with that stiff drink!! ;o)
