Tuesday, January 11, 2011

27 Week Bump.....

Wow!  Look at how round I'm getting!

Yesterday's appointment was pretty routine as usual.  Doing the glucose test was no big deal.  I guess they'll call me if I have to take the 3-hour test.  The drink didn't taste that bad, just like super sweet orange soda.  The worst part was the blood draw, only because I REALLY hate needles in my arm.  Shots are fine.  But anything else.... yuck.  I was not happy with my weight, but my doctor keeps assuring me that its fine and that I'm right on track.  I asked her how much more I should expect to gain, and she wouldn't tell me a number, just that I should not be worried.  On the brightside and most important note, Baby's heartbeat was great.  We go back on January 24 for some bloodwork (routinely scheduled at this time period to check for anemia), an ultrasound to check the position of the placenta (hopefully has moved, though I have no problem with this baby being cut out rather than pushed out), and then another checkup.  I'll be 29 weeks.  Holy yikes.

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