Sunday, December 19, 2010

24 Weeks!

Here are the 24-week highlights:

Size of baby: still a papaya according to The Bump, says that baby's about a foot long, and compares it to an ear of corn
Maternity clothes: all the time, and with no shame! .... the tops I got a month ago are starting to fit just a bit!
Movement: I'm pretty sure the baby will be born a master of martial arts, because the ninja moves come out in the early morning hours in a BIG way
Food cravings: still in love with grapes, cottage cheese, and chocolate milk
What I miss: still the same... this won't be changing.... though getting back into the gym today made me feel a smidge like my old self
Sleep: what's that?  I thought it would be a couple of more months before asking that, but lately I cannot get a good night's sleep... I wish I could get a pregnancy pillow, but I'll have to wait til we go home in January for it to fit in the bed
Symptoms: just a growing belly and pregnancy insomnia
Best moment this week: the 4 of us making it safe and sound to Phoenix
What I am looking forward to: still CHRISTMAS!!!!!! ..... and giving Chris is present that he doesn't even realize exists until he reads this

I can't believe I'm 24 weeks pregnant.  That puts me at just about 6 months.  We have reached viability.  WOW.  To put it lightly, this has been a crazy week!  The main people who read my blog have already heard the story of our arrival to Arizona, but I'll try to sum it up.  On Monday morning, we left Ottawa, car packed up, Bailie with us, and headed toward Syracuse.  We stopped at the dentist's office for a cleaning for each of us.  The weather was getting really bad really quickly.  As we left the dentist and got back on the road, one of the scariest things happened.  We were just heading down the interstate when we hit a couple of ice patches and went spinning and sliding down the road.  All I could think was, how can I protect this baby?  I was terrified.  Fortunately, we went off the road into a snow bank before any collisions happened.  UNfortunately, we were VERY stuck in the slushy snow and there was no way we could get out on our own.  Even more unfortunate was the answer of EVERY towing service that our roadside assistance service contacted for us - sorry, we'd love to come help you, but the weather is just too bad..... WHAT??  Luckily for us, a cop had stopped to stay with us until someone could come get us out, and when we told him that wasn't going to happen, he located someone for us.  So all in all, we were only sitting for about an hour and a half.  It could have been so much worse, but we were all safe, and that's the most important thing.

The next morning was from hell.  There's no other way to put it.  I hate Delta Airlines, and once we get back home, that company is DEAD TO ME.  We were told that Bailie could only fly with us as cargo, not as baggage, which means that she has to go on a different plane.  Fine.  We took her to the cargo facility where we were told there was no record of her going with us, and by the way, your flights are delayed - which means you're missing that connection in Atlanta - and oh yeah, I hope you have someone to come get your dog when you get to Phoenix and she's not there.  So here I am crying my eyes out, still shaken up from the night before, and I'm calling the Delta ticket counter to demand some answers, and thank God for Audrey M. who was probably the only competent employee that Delta has.  To sum it up, pets CAN in fact go as baggage, meaning they go on the same plane as you, as long as you're not flying through certain cities.  Flying through Atlanta meant that it was more than fine for her to go as baggage.  Thank you, lady person who made our reservations for us, for neglecting to give us those details.  Being delayed was not that big of a deal, but the stress of figuring out what was going on with Bailie, combined with spinning on the interstate and thinking that I could lose my baby if the wrong thing happened, was just not good.  I spent the better part of Tuesday in constant tears, or in a state of fighting tears.

The rest of the day had few hitches, we all made it to Phoenix, and it turned out that I was more worried for Bailie than she was for herself.  When she was wheeled out with her crate to us, she was just laying down inside it, not stressed at all, and looking at us as if to say, hi guys, where to now?  She has been the best dog here and I am so happy we brought her.  She is such a good traveler, and it eases my mind having her here with us.  Plus, everyone has gotten to see how wonderful she is.

Wednesday was probably the best day here.  Chris and I had made an appointment some time ago to go and have a 3D/4D ultrasound done.  Seeing our little baby was just the best.  Here are some pictures from that:

This is my favorite.  You can almost see a little grin.

The baby was all in all pretty uncooperative.  S/he kept putting an arm over the face, so we had a hard time getting the pictures that we did.  But, it was really fun and really special for Chris and me to get to see our little one in this way.  It made that day and a half of hell worth it.

Since we've been in here in Arizona, we've been busy, but relaxed, and its been great.  Tonight we are going to a Christmas program, and I will take a bump picture before that, and post it later.  For now, I think I am off to take a little nap.  My workout today was great, but it has left me worn out, though I don't know if the little ninja in my belly is going to get me get much rest...... :-)

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