Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Sunday, December 26, 2010

25 Weeks!

25-week highlights......

Size of baby: according to the The Bump, eggplant..... I'm starting to think this website is completely bogus.  Today I read on it that if Chris were to put his ear to my belly, he might pick up our baby's heartbeat..... yeah, I don't think so.  That's what they use fetal dopplars for.  Jeez.
Maternity clothes: still fitting well.... I learned this week that I don't like the short panel jeans as my belly gets bigger because they just end up digging into my bladder, which is already uncomfortable.
Movement: mostly big jumps now, and I can frequently SEE my belly move now.  Also sometimes it feels like I have a little swimmer in there.
Food cravings: BLUEBERRIES!!!  And bananas.  The best is blueberries, a banana, and a bowl of Special K all mixed up.... by far my favorite meal right now.  I could eat that and nothing else and be happy right now
What I miss: sleep..... I love being in Arizona, but I do miss our bed..... also not being completely exhausted after 20 minutes of exercise.  I think I'm in the beginning stages of having to accept that my gym routine is going to need another modification very soon.  I definitely miss energy.  And I already miss my belly button ring.  Last night I switched to a pregnancy retainer, and it looks WEIRD.  I haven't actually seen my belly button since I was 18, right before I got the piercing.  Any day now, the snooze button is going to be popping out.
Sleep: see above..... enough said
Symptoms: just a growing belly and pregnancy insomnia
Best moment this week: Christmas of course!
What I am looking forward to: still almost 2 weeks of lovely weather before returning to the Great White North... also my baby shower in January

It was a really nice week here.  Looking back over it, I don't feel like we did as much for how tired I have been all week (except for Christmas Eve and Christmas).  We mostly just went to the gym and did a little bit of shopping.  Christmas Eve was a nice night.  We went to church that evening, and then several family members and friends of Chris's parents came over for a late evening.  There was lots of food.  I made pumpkin scones and the famous pork-on-pork, plus we had delicious meatballs, brownies, Special K bars (kind of like rice crispy treats, but WAY better), and other things.  No one went hungry that night.  Here's a few pictures from Christmas Eve:

Chris, me, & Jeff

There's no denying that belly poking out there!

.....and the family

For Christmas Day, we got up and watched one of my favorite Christmas movies, Elf.  Then we opened up presents.  Bailie was very happy as we gave her a Kong toy full of peanut butter.  Actually, Bailie's been happy EVERY day.  Here are a couple of pictures from Christmas morning...

Chris's present from me, Baby, and Bailie - a remote-controlled camouflage helicopter

"the baby's present to us" - super cute footie pjs with dog feet - we call them Bailie feet

baby's present to Uncle Jeff
After presents, we drove down to Chris's uncle and aunt's house for a super delicious meal - turkey, ham, gravy, mashed potatoes, some kind of sweet potato casserole that was AWESOME, plus lots more.  I personally sampled everything, so I can attest to how fantastic it was.  That was also a day of no one going hungry.  We got back home maybe around 8:30 or 9 in the evening and we were all exhausted, including Bailie.  She had a very big day of being around several small dogs, and getting LOTS of attention and LOTS of turkey.  I would bet that she ate more turkey than I did yesterday!

We still have almost 2 weeks of being here, which is awesome, but at the same time, its crazy to think that we have less than a week before our countdown to baby reaches the double-digits.  On this Saturday, we will reach the 99-day mark.  We still have so much to do.  I really still cannot wrap my head around the fact that there is going to a little PERSON with us in just over 3 months.  It seems like we were JUST here, not married, and I was meeting everyone for the first time.  Fast forward one year and we've gotten married and are trying our best to get our lives ready for a BABY.  While we could not be happier or more excited, it's still a scary thing.  But I know it is only the beginning of so much fun, and I can't wait.

Bump photo to come tomorrow when I'm not in my PJs. :-)

Monday, December 20, 2010

24 week bump photo.....

That baby bump is definitely only getting bigger!  And yesterday morning, when we were sitting in church, I could SEE my belly jumping!  That was pretty crazy, but very cool.

Last night we went to the Star of Wonder Christmas program that Brad's girlfriend Lisa was so sweet to get everyone tickets to.  We were in the very front section (with an aisle seat for me, my bladder thanks Lisa!!), and I think we were all expecting a little Nativity story, but it was a lot more than that.  By far the best part was when the animals came out, including the kangaroo and the elephant!  And then when I was about 2 feet from the camels as they walked by..... that was pretty amazing (although in the back of my mind I was thinking, please don't fall on me like that camel in Florida!).  Also, the part when the GIs deployed and had a dance battle with the toy soldiers was pretty fun to watch.  It was a fun evening, but I was very tired at the end.  We stayed up really late to watch the Survivor finale afterward..... well, I slept on the couch while Chris, Cindy, and Jim watched the finale, haha.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

24 Weeks!

Here are the 24-week highlights:

Size of baby: still a papaya according to The Bump, says that baby's about a foot long, and compares it to an ear of corn
Maternity clothes: all the time, and with no shame! .... the tops I got a month ago are starting to fit just a bit!
Movement: I'm pretty sure the baby will be born a master of martial arts, because the ninja moves come out in the early morning hours in a BIG way
Food cravings: still in love with grapes, cottage cheese, and chocolate milk
What I miss: still the same... this won't be changing.... though getting back into the gym today made me feel a smidge like my old self
Sleep: what's that?  I thought it would be a couple of more months before asking that, but lately I cannot get a good night's sleep... I wish I could get a pregnancy pillow, but I'll have to wait til we go home in January for it to fit in the bed
Symptoms: just a growing belly and pregnancy insomnia
Best moment this week: the 4 of us making it safe and sound to Phoenix
What I am looking forward to: still CHRISTMAS!!!!!! ..... and giving Chris is present that he doesn't even realize exists until he reads this

I can't believe I'm 24 weeks pregnant.  That puts me at just about 6 months.  We have reached viability.  WOW.  To put it lightly, this has been a crazy week!  The main people who read my blog have already heard the story of our arrival to Arizona, but I'll try to sum it up.  On Monday morning, we left Ottawa, car packed up, Bailie with us, and headed toward Syracuse.  We stopped at the dentist's office for a cleaning for each of us.  The weather was getting really bad really quickly.  As we left the dentist and got back on the road, one of the scariest things happened.  We were just heading down the interstate when we hit a couple of ice patches and went spinning and sliding down the road.  All I could think was, how can I protect this baby?  I was terrified.  Fortunately, we went off the road into a snow bank before any collisions happened.  UNfortunately, we were VERY stuck in the slushy snow and there was no way we could get out on our own.  Even more unfortunate was the answer of EVERY towing service that our roadside assistance service contacted for us - sorry, we'd love to come help you, but the weather is just too bad..... WHAT??  Luckily for us, a cop had stopped to stay with us until someone could come get us out, and when we told him that wasn't going to happen, he located someone for us.  So all in all, we were only sitting for about an hour and a half.  It could have been so much worse, but we were all safe, and that's the most important thing.

The next morning was from hell.  There's no other way to put it.  I hate Delta Airlines, and once we get back home, that company is DEAD TO ME.  We were told that Bailie could only fly with us as cargo, not as baggage, which means that she has to go on a different plane.  Fine.  We took her to the cargo facility where we were told there was no record of her going with us, and by the way, your flights are delayed - which means you're missing that connection in Atlanta - and oh yeah, I hope you have someone to come get your dog when you get to Phoenix and she's not there.  So here I am crying my eyes out, still shaken up from the night before, and I'm calling the Delta ticket counter to demand some answers, and thank God for Audrey M. who was probably the only competent employee that Delta has.  To sum it up, pets CAN in fact go as baggage, meaning they go on the same plane as you, as long as you're not flying through certain cities.  Flying through Atlanta meant that it was more than fine for her to go as baggage.  Thank you, lady person who made our reservations for us, for neglecting to give us those details.  Being delayed was not that big of a deal, but the stress of figuring out what was going on with Bailie, combined with spinning on the interstate and thinking that I could lose my baby if the wrong thing happened, was just not good.  I spent the better part of Tuesday in constant tears, or in a state of fighting tears.

The rest of the day had few hitches, we all made it to Phoenix, and it turned out that I was more worried for Bailie than she was for herself.  When she was wheeled out with her crate to us, she was just laying down inside it, not stressed at all, and looking at us as if to say, hi guys, where to now?  She has been the best dog here and I am so happy we brought her.  She is such a good traveler, and it eases my mind having her here with us.  Plus, everyone has gotten to see how wonderful she is.

Wednesday was probably the best day here.  Chris and I had made an appointment some time ago to go and have a 3D/4D ultrasound done.  Seeing our little baby was just the best.  Here are some pictures from that:

This is my favorite.  You can almost see a little grin.

The baby was all in all pretty uncooperative.  S/he kept putting an arm over the face, so we had a hard time getting the pictures that we did.  But, it was really fun and really special for Chris and me to get to see our little one in this way.  It made that day and a half of hell worth it.

Since we've been in here in Arizona, we've been busy, but relaxed, and its been great.  Tonight we are going to a Christmas program, and I will take a bump picture before that, and post it later.  For now, I think I am off to take a little nap.  My workout today was great, but it has left me worn out, though I don't know if the little ninja in my belly is going to get me get much rest...... :-)

Friday, December 17, 2010

23 Week Bump......

Here's the bump, and details of our first week here to come later....

Sunday, December 12, 2010

23 Weeks!

This week's highlights:

Size of baby: still a papaya according to The Bump, says "large mango" (as opposed to small mango at 19 weeks?), and one website I found says that baby is the size of a "small doll, a real tiny baby" ..... whatever
Maternity clothes: all the time, and with no shame! .... my jeans were loose after being in the wash the other day.... how does that happen???
Movement: from little taps to BIG kicks, baby moves a TON, but really likes to party around 11pm, 4am and 6am ... sometimes its not even a kick really, but a shake, like if you're belly had hiccups
Food cravings: still in love with grapes, cottage cheese, and chocolate milk
What I miss: still the same... this won't be changing.... though I have more good days than bad days with this now
Sleep: still pretty good, and I've started having a few dreams about the baby, including finding out that we're having a ...... yeah, I'm not going to tell you what I dreamed we're having!  Statistics show that mom's intuition is right 70% of the time, so we'll see
Symptoms: been really tired and a lot of back pain ... the doctor told me to up my red meat (for the iron) to at least 3 times per week - I told Chris I took that to mean I need to eat steak at least 3 times a week!
Best moment this week: finding out that I hadn't gained any weight in the last couple of weeks since our last appointment ..... and our nursery furniture arriving this week unexpectedly!  It is now sitting in our spare room and it feels BIZARRE that we now own nursery furniture
What I am looking forward to: still CHRISTMAS!!!!!!

This week was a busy week.  Split over 2 days, it took me about 10-12 hours to complete the first cookie order I got after Monday's tree lighting.  It was for a woman in the Embassy who requested 5 dozen iced farm animals - sheep, pigs, and cows.  She is a very sweet lady who not only paid me slightly more than my set price, but also gave me a cookie cutter set of farm animals because I'm "going to be a mom and will need these things."  I thought that was very sweet of her.  She also told me that another woman in her office had said she wondered if I could just bake cookies for her to have for her kids to decorate, so in addition to the order for the party next weekend, I will bake those today.  But, I don't have to do any decorating, so it will only be a few hours of work today, not bad.

On Wednesday, we had our last doctor's appointment for the year.  I didn't look at the scale as per usual, and was ecstatic when I was told that I was the exact same as the last time!  I expected to be up at least 1 or 2 pounds, because I'm definitely in the realm now where I could be gaining a pound per week.  I can at least attribute one pound of weight gain to the baby now, who should be weighing in at just over a pound now.  My belly was also measured for the first of what will be many times now to check the fundal height (uterus position).  For anyone who doesn't know, they don't measure around your belly, rather the measurement is taken of the "mound" of belly that is now present, from about 4 inches below and above the belly button.  I'm measuring right on track, and baby's heartbeat was perfect.  My blood pressure has also been very good, so I'm happy about that too.  I will go back on January 10 for the dreaded glucose test (which will hopefully not be as bad as I am imagining, especially since I found out that I do NOT have to fast for it) and my next check-up.  Then beginning with the next appointment, I will be going every 2 weeks!  Things are going to move quickly at that point..... yikes!

Thursday was spent decorating cookies, and Friday night we went to a very nice Embassy Christmas party, the same one we went to last year right before the trip to Arizona.  Its pretty boring in that we never know anyone at these things, but in all honestly, we go for the food and drink.  We enjoyed some yummy food and Chris enjoyed the free wine.  We were happy that we weren't missing that event.

Yesterday our new washer and dryer were delivered to us to replace the ancient ones!  I never imagined that I could be so excited to get a washer and dryer.  As I said in an earlier post, our washer began going in and out of life this week, so our landlord bought new ones for us, and to our surprise, we found out that they could be delivered to us before the trip.... though it was not a smooth day.  If only our landlord was capable of covering small details, yesterday would have been much easier.  On Friday I got a call from the store that they would be delivered between 7 and 11 the next morning, but closer to 7 because our house was the first stop on the list.  Prior to this, our landlord told us that the delivery guys would disconnect and move the old appliances for us.  NOT TRUE.  Due to insurance reasons, they are not allowed to do ANY disconnecting OR installing of appliances.  It says so on the website, and I bet they told him that at the store, but of cosue he didn't listen.  The dryer was no problem for Chris to unhook.  The washer, however, was impossible.  The hoses could NOT be removed with our tools and we were afraid they might be rusted on.  And, as if getting up at 7 for no reason on a Saturday wasn't annoying enough (the guys didn't show up til after 8), here we sat with our new dryer in the hallway, and our new and old washers in the laundry room.  I tried calling the landlord but he didn't call us back for a couple of hours.  In situations like this, it is imperative that Chris talks to him, otherwise Pregzilla comes out (though to be fair, it was just a frustrating situation, and Chris was aggravated too).  In the end, the landlord called his realtor, the realtor called "a guy", and "the guy" and his 12-year-old son came to fix everything.  Before they got here yesterday evening though, the realtor called to say that "the guy" speaks very little English, and to call her if we need translation.  FANTASTIC.  It ended up not so bad because as it turned out, his son spoke perfect English.  About an hour and a half later, we were all set, and very grateful for our nice front-loading machines.

After everything settled down yesterday, we did something that is my very, VERY favorite Christmas tradition - we watched It's a Wonderful Life.  Cheesy maybe, but I watch this movie EVERY Christmas, and have for years.  One of my favorite memories of my dad is sitting in the living room watching, and at the same time having him talk about how he never liked Jimmy Stewart and how he always "over-acted" ..... and yet, there we would be, watching the movie.  It's very special to me, and its not Christmas unless I get to sit down and watch George Bailey's adventure in learning how precious life is.  It always makes me smile and cry at the end when his brother Harry toasts to him and calls him the "richest man in town" and there's just something wonderful about it.

Today its a nasty day in Ottawa, though we're not horribly bothered by it since we're leaving tomorrow morning.  As I write, ice rain is coming down, on top of the snow that fell this morning.  Though, it could be worse - originally the forecast called for about 2 feet of snow today!  As of last night, only about 2 inches were expected, so that's much better (and MUCH better than what the midwest has gotten hit with - yikes!).  Later we will pack (which will be easy for me since I have a limited wardrobe right now), and I will bake cookies.  Tomorrow morning we'll head out, drop off my baked goods at the Embassy, and head toward Syracuse, with a stop at the dentist's along the way.  In Syracuse, we'll get Bailie to her dog-sitter, and then Tuesday we will be on our way!  I'm ready to be in warm weather and wear my flip-flops.  I'm praying for a smooth travel day.  I think Bailie's ready, but it will be hard not to worry about her.

Not sure when I'll get the bump picture up, but I'll probably at least take one tomorrow.  I can't believe I'm 23 weeks pregnant.  In just one more week, at 24 weeks, we will have reached viability, which means that if our baby were to be born after that point, so early God forbid, s/he could survive outside the womb, which is pretty amazing.  I think our baby's going to keep cooking til April though.  I'm pretty sure s/he doesn't want to spend anymore time in the cold than we do.

See some of you soon!

Monday, December 6, 2010

22-Weeks and Bumpalicious!

I don't think there's any denying it.... every week, I think that I've "popped" more, only to see a picture and not think my belly has gotten significantly bigger.  Could be the clothes, but Chris took this picture and when we looked at it.... hello bump!

Today was great - I tried on a dress from last year's Christmas that I can still pull off (made my day!), our washer died and then came back from the dead, but the owner's replacing it anyway (which is awesome because I'm pretty sure this washer and I might be the same age), everyone ATE UP my cookies today, and I got ANOTHER cookie order!  And, we're having spaghetti for dinner, which sounds like the most amazing thing right now.  Great day :-)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

22 Weeks!

22 weeks, feeling great, and here's the highlights:

Size of baby: papaya..... according to The Bump's Baby Tracker, baby is a papaya for the next 3 weeks.... I'm kinda getting over these fruit comparisons
Maternity clothes: all the time, and with no shame!
Movement: still every day, with quite a mix of little taps and the occasional big flips and kicks.  I get frustrated sometimes when I'm waiting for a big kick and I just get the tiny ones
Food cravings: really, really into grapes mixed with cottage cheese lately.... it's heaven
What I miss: still the same... this won't be changing
Sleep: on average, very good, though its true what they say about having the STRANGEST dreams when you're pregnant.... I don't know where I come up with the stuff I tell Chris about in the mornings
Symptoms: a little extra tired this week, but I was definitely busier than I usually am, and the occasional sciatic pain
Best moment this week: there are 3 for this week: in third place, nearly selling out of all my goodies at the craft fair.... in second place, we picked out and ordered our nursery furniture yesterday...... but, by far the BEST moment was Chris feeling the baby move on Tuesday night! 
What I am looking forward to: CHRISTMAS, CHRISTMAS, CHRISTMAS!!!!!!

It was definitely another great week.... On Tuesday, I only came home with 2 iced cookies, and 3 packages of scones, and to be fair, the cookies were broken, so I took them off the table, but my cakes and truffles were the biggest hits.  I had one lady come and buy $19 worth of items, separated into 2 visits.  That was pretty awesome!  I also scored one more job before Christmas - tomorrow is the Embassy tree lighting, so yesterday I baked 4 dozen Christmas tree cookies and today I will ice them.  Then next weekend, I'll be baking 6 dozen cookies for the kids to decorate at the family Christmas party hosted by the Ambassador.  There was potential for a third job, but it didn't work out, but honestly, it's for the best because it would have turned into a lot of stress for me the day before and the day of leaving for our trip.

As I said, Chris finally got to feel our baby bumping around - I told him, see I'm not making it up!  Usually when I lay down to go to bed, I wait to feel Baby give me some goodnight movement.... I hadn't been feeling anything, but I told Chris to put his hand on my belly just to see if the baby might react differently to Daddy hands than Mommy hands..... and all of a sudden it was the 4th of July in my belly!  Baby gave some of the hardest kicks I had felt lately, and Chris felt almost all of them!  It was very special.  He's since felt the baby on another night too.  I'm so glad he is able to experience that now.  Baby movement is pretty amazing - I could lay down and feel the kid move all day and be happy.

Overall, I've still been feeling pretty great, though it seems I can rarely make it past 9 or 9:30 without falling asleep on the couch at night, and that's even if I take about a 90-minute nap each day!  I was not even this tired when I was working out so much before the wedding, and I definitely did not take naps then.  On Friday, I dropped Chris off at work, got to the Embassy to use the gym, parked the car, walked inside the door..... and walked back to the car.  I was so tired!  I went home and went back to bed for a while.  I did make it to the gym later in the day, but only after I got some more rest.  For now, I'm taking advantage of all the sleep I can get while its at my disposal... I wish I could "bank" sleep for later, because right now I can't imagine the exhaustion once the baby gets here.  But, I figure that women have been doing this for years upon years, and surviving, which means I will too.

As I also said, we picked out our nursery furniture last night and ordered it!  I had said that I wouldn't want to pick out something like that sight-unseen, but we did our research and feel pretty comfortable with what we're getting.... plus, it's from Kohl's, which means that it won't be too hard for us to return it in the event of a problem.  And, we got a great deal - our 3-in-1 convertible crib, changing table, and dresser for under $200.  Once we get back in January from Arizona, our furniture will be waiting for us, and we will likely have the glider that we ordered a week or so ago before we leave.  This baby coming will really start to feel real when we start getting the room together.  I feel better now that we have most of the major nursery items on the way.  I know once January gets here, everything is going to come at us very quickly.

We have started working with Bailie to get her ready for the long trip to Arizona..... it has been so much harder on me than on her!  We increase the amount of time she spends in her crate by about an hour each night, and last night was the 4-hour night.  She has improved with each night, whining less and less, but those first 2 days were awful!  She would just cry and look at us like, what did I do to deserve this????  And it would break my heart, and I would just want to let her out!  Once she would settle down, I would be counting the minutes until her time was up!  I just hate that she doesn't understand.  How am I going to let our baby just cry it out when I know he/she needs to?  Its a good thing that Chris and I are such a good team, because without him, I couldn't even get through crate training with the dog.

It's going to be a nice last week here before leaving.  Tomorrow's the tree lighting, Wednesday we have one more check-up, and Friday we have a really nice Christmas party to go to.  I'm just really excited for everything coming up.  This time last year, I could only pray that we would be where we're at now within another year.  Last year I was only meeting what would become the rest of my family, and now Chris and I are over halfway to our own family.  And this time next year, our baby will be 8 months old by Christmas!  It just goes to show you that prayer is for real, because I have gotten nearly everything I have prayed for regarding Chris and me, nearly down to the last detail.

I will take my bump picture tomorrow and post it sometime in the evening.  Until then.... :)