Friday, September 24, 2010

The first belly photo for all to see....

We took this right before we left to go to dinner at the Melting Pot, which was DELICIOUS.  This is usually how I look by the end of the day.  In the mornings I start out with a tiny little bump - it really just looks like I need to do some core work, but by evening.... yeah, it's looking more bump-like.  Anyway, it is late and we have a long drive home tomorrow, so until another post.... enjoy the 12-week photo.

1 comment:

  1. cute cute cute You are sooo beautiful..My son is so blessed. I don't know why you get down on yourself You are glowing and I am so proud to be your second mom. Our church group was so elated when i shared the big news. Some did not know yet. Can you imagine that. We had a baby girl here who was born labor day weekend her name is Angeleeya. I held her in my arms and thought of you two and almost cried. It made me sad thinking you will be so far away. I can't think that way though I will just have to come visit as much as possible. Drive safely tomorrow and let us know when you get home.
    lots of love
